Abramovich & Chelsea + a bit of Everton

Who knows what this actually means. There's no indication that he's going to pull his funding from the club and it could quite easily be a PR move. It takes him out of the spotlight and it also protects the club from sponsors pulling the plug on deals with Chelsea due to Roman's links with Putin.
Who is going to fund their transfers now?
Chelsea's own revenue, topped up by Abramovic?

The words of that statement have been chosen carefully. He's not given up ownership, just stewardship. He's given them the keys to the front door and said you water the plants and feed the cat while I'm hiding. There's no evidence that he's going to turn the taps off while he's riding out the storm.
Chelsea aren't going to fall off a cliff even if RA's funds were all seized. They'd still be one of the 4 richest sides in the League, they just wouldn't be able to go out and spend over the top like they have before. We're a very long way from that happening anyway and nobody probably knows where half of RA's money is hidden too.

One thing I will say is that I would be surprised if RA's still Chelsea's owner in 2 years time. He only bought Chelsea to raise his profile so that Putin wouldn't go after him as he had others - he's achieved that now. He's already pulled the plug on funding the new stadium and has barely been seen at a Chelsea game since he didn't have his visa renewed. There's been talk that he's had discussions around a sale over the last couple of years and this may be the final straw and he might just sell up once the Ukraine situation dies down.
You've got to love the jealousy in this thread.
World Champions baby, although it is 14 days since the mighty Chelsea won a trophy.....
You're doing a terrible job of hiding how nervous you are.
What do I have to be nervous of?

The club existed before Roman and will do after him.

Can't see him selling up just because of the price he would want and I don't think people would be willing to pay.
You're aware that Chelsea were on the brink of bankruptcy prior to Abramovic taking over?

As for him not selling due to the price, that would depend on what you think his motivations are. As I said he didn't buy Chelsea as a financial investment, it was a political/security investment to protect himself from going the same way as ex-business partners of his and other oligarch's that Putin had enough of. His high profile status, due to his connection with Chelsea, is now hurting him and will continue to do so.
Who says he can't be stripped of it? He still owns the club so, theoretically, it could be seized.
That doesn't change his statement that they existed before him and will after. Liverpool too were reported to be one day away from bankruptcy but big clubs like that won't just disappear when funding gets pulled. There's always another mug to pump money into top 6 clubs.
Liverpool weren't though, as confirmed by court documents in Hicks' failed attempt at suing RBS. Chelsea on the other hand were on the brink of going bust. And this was in the early 2000's, when there weren't a number of billionaires queuing up to buy football clubs that were losing millions of pounds.

As I said in my earlier post, nothing dramatic will change with Chelsea if and when RA is gone as even without him they'd be one of the richest clubs in the country but I found Giburrows comment funny considering RA saved Chelsea from going under in 2003.
Yes Chelsea would definitely of gone under if it wasn't for Roman, I mean 160 million in debt but around 800m land owned.....?

Some people are just too blinded.
How does land pay a bank? It's well documented, by Chelsea's current Chairman no less, that Chelsea were about to default on a £75m debt repayment prior to RA flying in. Chelsea would have gone into administration.
Chelsea would easily have gotten a new loan out, back then Sir James Ratcliffe was sniffing around the club so would have easily done a deal for the club, tried to buy us but ended up buying Nice for 90m.

But woulda coulda shoulda, don't be jealous or hateful as no club won anything without spending money.
Blissfully ignorant or naive, I don't know but you're so so wrong. As I said, there are quotes from Bruce Buck about the fact that Chelsea were about to default on a £75m repayment - they were losing lots of money and couldn't afford to pay their bills, they weren't getting another loan. Football wasn't as fashionable nor financially attractive to investors as it is now either. Chelsea were about to do a Leeds. And James Ratcliffe's interest was only around 15 years after RA's takeover :o :D

And who's jealous? I've said that Chelsea won't go to the wall if and when RA sells up or is sanctioned. Your arguments are like that of a 10 year old and as I said at the start, it sounds like a massive overcompensation, almost like you're getting nervous.
If its not nerves can you explain the petty jealousy comments?

And sitting on land can't pay debts. The land is only worth something if its sold, which of course it couldn't be as its owned by Chelsea Pitch Owners. In case you're not aware, the freehold of the stadium was put into this supporter controlled company to prevent it being sold. In fact they even blocked RA's attempts of buying it back as part of a new stadium proposal some years ago.
Right, Chelsea's current chairman who has openly admitted that the club were about to default on a huge debt repayment and were facing massive financial challenges was wrong. Chelsea were going to take a Wonga loan out against the land that is owned by a separate company :o

With the greatest of respect, you're talking nonsense. It's pointless going any further with this as you're just going to deny everything, clearly with no knowledge of the situation.
It's highly unlikely that Everton would go out of business. Obviously they're already hugely loss making and relegation would make things a lot worse but they have little to no outside debt that needs repaying. Like any PL side that gets relegated, they'd have to shift a few high value players to cut costs and cover the lost revenue from being outside the PL. Fortunately for Everton they have quite a few saleable players that would bridge that financial gap and still leave them with a squad more than strong enough to get promoted straight back to the PL.

Re Usmanov and Everton, there's always been speculation around his true involvement with their ownership and nobody really knows the truth there but even if we accept that he's not directly involved, Moshiri's wealth is still closely linked to Usmanov and Usmanov's companies. It's very possible that sanctions against Usmanov will hit Moshiri and that even if they avoid relegation (which I'm sure they will), they're going to have to cut costs in the summer because without outside investment, their current wagebill isn't sustainable.
"victims of the war in Ukraine". I think you mean victims of the Russian invasion Roman.

It will be interesting to find out what he means by net proceeds as if that's simply any excess over and above the money he's put into Chelsea (£1.5-1.7bn) then that could well be nothing given the market he's selling in right now.

*The line about not asking for his loans to be repaid is nothing more than spin. The valuation of the club will take into account any debts it has and given that he's both the owner of the club and the owner of the debt, it makes zero difference whether the loans are repaid or not.
thats an absolute ****take

the fact Russian billionaires can just sell all the assets and run back to russia or wherever with no consequence :mad::mad:
You cannot sanction somebody just for being Russian and the Liz Truss has already confirmed that the government have received pre-emptive legal letters from legal firms representing various Oligarchs in a bid to stop their clients being sanctioned.
yes you can

thats like saying you cant stop russia playing football games just because they are russian

its happening
You can stop Russia, you cannot stop Russian's playing football - there's literally loads of them playing for sides outside of Russia. The UK (EU or US) cannot just seize the assets of anybody just because they're Russian. There needs to be a legally tight justification for doing so or they'll face legal challenges - we've already seen some of the Oligarchs indicate that they're going to challenge the EU sanctions placed on them.
challenging something and it being illegal can be totally different things

of course they are going to challenge it because its causing a "minor" inconvenience to them not having full access to their billions

USMANOV has had everything frozen by the EU why the hell hasn't abramovich its a joke
Whether they're challenging the sanctions because it's a minor inconvenience or because their lawyers believe they'll be successful, I don't know however no government is just going to sanction somebody without the decision being legally secure, no matter how much you or some 15 year olds on twitter think they should. As I've said, the government have already received threatening letters from lawyers working for these Oligarchs before they've even issued these sanctions.

If and when the believe they have a legally sound case, they'll sanction him. As yet that's not happened, not by the UK or the EU.
Now it’s proven that Roman and his money was dirty, will the FA and UEFA be readjusting the history books?
:confused: Nothing has been proven. He's not even been sanctioned (yet) and even if he were, that wouldn't prove that his money was dirty - it would simply be that he's close to Putin or the Kremlin in one way or another.

For clarity, that's not to say his money isn't dirty as it is but that's always been known. His own lawyers admitted in the High Court that he paid out huge sums in bribes during the scramble to buy state owned businesses at hugely knocked down prices.
I get where you are coming from but it is slightly more nuanced than that. He's said the proceeds from the sale of the club will go towards war victims but that sum might be reduced if the loans were not repaid. i.e. he could sell the club for £y and have the club still owe him £x or he could sell the club for £y-x and have the club owe him nothing. He'd personally be better off with the debt still in place as he's not getting the proceeds from the sale anyway.
Just like his initial statement about handing over stewardship to the Chelsea foundation, this statement leaves just as many questions as answers. He claims that net proceeds from the sale will go into a charity (for who? Russian victims of the war or Ukrainians?) but what does he mean by net proceeds? Is it simply the sale price less any expenses or does he mean the sale price less his investment into Chelsea. If it's the latter then, if as he claims and he turns that £1.5bn into equity, his total investment into Chelsea now climbs to £1.65bn(ish) and therefore there would be no net proceeds for a sale up to that amount.

I cannot see any scenario where a new owner purchases his shares with the debt still attached to the club. After all, he's claiming that this debt won't be repaid so why would it remain on the books? That would be some leap of faith from a potential buyer to buy the club on the promise that RA won't call the debt in but is leaving it on the books.

Once Chelsea is sold that £1.5bn will be gone. If we work on the basis that the value of any sale being £1.5bn, it doesn't matter whether the buyer pays £1.5bn for the shares and RA turns that debt into equity or whether the buyer pays £0 for the shares and the £1.5bn goes to RA to repay the debt. RA still walks away with £1.5bn. It's spin to make him seem like a good guy.
Educate me, what has Roman done that is so wrong that he should have all his assets seized? Other than being a sneaky Russian.
He, along with many others, were essentially allowed to steal Russia's wealth in return for helping rig the 1996 elections, securing Yelsin's reelection. Although you'll never be able to prove anything concrete, you have to ask questions about his role in the 'aluminum wars' in Russia which he was heavily involved in and resulted in many rivals of his being murdered. You have the issue Random Guy touches on, where he's admitted in the high court that he paid Boris Berezovsky (at the time a higher up, more powerful Oligarch) bribes to protect him during these aluminum wars. Berezovsky tried to sue RA some years back regarding this, claiming he was in fact Abramovich's partner, he lost and died in suspicious circumstances a few years after. It's worth noting that Berezovsky didn't just fall out with Abramovich but also Putin so who knows who was responsible for his questionable suicide.

Now saying all this, the reasons for having assets seized isn't simply for doing something wrong so to speak. Oligarchs are and can be sanctioned if they have close ties to Putin and the Kremlin. Abramovich, according to intelligence that Chris Bryant revealed in parliament is alleged to be the man that handles Putin's personal finances.
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