Absolutely infuriating

I'd take the advice above to heart m8. Your best idea is to ask them whilst not acting llike a goon to keep it done a bit.

Nothing more funnier then when I used to hang out with my mates and some idiot comes along thinking he's a big man telling kids to f off.
-|ScottFree|- said:
bla bla bla

I work in the Print for a National newspaper....

I have a proper job.

I pay my Tax + NI and contribute to society

I work hard for a living while these inconsiderate ******** sponge from the State.

I will be moving at the end of the year, I've have had enough.

As for Goldy:

These people don't own land, They are in a council flat provided for them by people like me. They don't own anything. Its the hard working People of this country that provide them with everything they have.They are inconsiderate, brash, uneducated, parasites.

Just cause they live in a council flat you have extrapolated all these things, interesting. You could counter argue that people like you with such strong prejudices are equally detrimental to a society.
Whether they are chavs or not, whether they are spongers off the state or not is all irrelevant.

Their behaviour is antisocial - end of.

The OP has every right to complain about the music if it's being played excessively loudly especially if it is causing him problems with sleep, and adversely affective his effectiveness at his job.
Rich_L said:
As far as I can tell the OP doesn't seem to have even tried engaging in dialogue with the people in question let alone do anything else about it, bar moan on here.

Happy to be corrected on that score though :)

I think you're right from what I've read. If the OP has tried to chat to them and nothing has been done however I feel he has the right to moan. Moaning about something which he hasn't tried to sort out already is a bit silly, but then again people are entitled to moan - after all we all do it ;)
Rich_L said:
Although perhaps said in jest, it does have merit. The time of the post is a Sunday afternoon, hardly an unreasonable time in most peoples mind to be listening to some music and enjoying the sunshine. Perhaps they haven't even considered that some people work nights and may be trying to sleep.

Despite their appearances, you'd be amazed that actually talking to people reasonably sometimes works :eek:

I remember seeing a TV program where they followed a team of noise inspectors, and they ended up knocking on the door of this old lady having had several complaints about the noise of her TV at all hours. The old lady looked so upset and shocked, and replied "I had no idea. I'd have turned it down if only someone had come around and told me it was too loud."
A5H said:
Slayer - Payback on bigger louder stereo...

That'll annoy them and also maybe make them a bit fearful...

Back in 82 I had the worst neighbour ever for loud music. She drove me and the wife daft and I could write a book about her exploits. The problem was she only had one record which was Two Tribes by Frankie Goes To Hollywood and she played it repeatedly at a loud volume even when she was out.
One saturday morning I borrowed my bands 2K PA and placed the speakers against her walls. I warned the other neighbours what I was doing and I proceeded to play the heaviest album I had in my collection at the time which was Motorhead.
I played the album through and the walls rattled and two days later she knocked on my door and asked when I was going to be playing my music again :D

We had four years of crap with her and when we sold the house the new owners got in touch and asked if we'd had trouble with her (you didn't have to declare trouble neighbours then). They got rid of her by legal means in the end.

Goldy - I'd hate to have you for a neighbour with that attitude.
That is one of the worst posts I've seen on these forums.
spirit said:
Just cause they live in a council flat you have extrapolated all these things, interesting. You could counter argue that people like you with such strong prejudices are equally detrimental to a society.

I was born in a Council flat. I was brought up on a Council Estates in Liverpool and South East London. I have dealt with people like this all my life.

What strong prejudices?

How am I detrimental to society?

I live a quiet life, I don't intentionally upset anyone. I'm respectful of others. I go to work, I provide for my family. How can I be detrimental to society.

Did you extrapolate from my post that I made an assumption?

My Wife and her brothers know these people and there families. They have lived here all there lives. I don't call people who live on Council Estates scum and chavs. No, that name is for those who are willing to nothing with there lives apart from steel and cause trouble wherever they go. Those who have no respect for themselves or for others.

I know that confronting them will do nothing more than instigate more trouble. They know who I am and where I live, so there would be repercussions. If I'm polite or I'm confrontational either way, my car and my Wife's car will be keyed...again.

Anyway... I was just moaning to vent some anger... thats all!!

I'm moving away from the area at the end of the year, I'll just have to put up with it till then.
spirit said:
You could counter argue that people like you with such strong prejudices are equally detrimental to a society.


How can a bloke who minds his own business, doesn't upset his neighbours, doesn't sponge off society etc be detrimental to society?
I really want to hear this one.
-|ScottFree|- said:
The thought has crossed my mind!!!! ;)

It should more than cross your mind dude. I bought a rat-catcher .22 last year for a similar cause. And it did work.. Of course it wasnt as big as that thing and the silencer was very good ;) :p .
while were on the subject of noise, ive noticed that someone nearby to our house has an alarm that for the past couple of days has been going off. I wouldnt be too bothered about it if it was through the day but it starts to go off after about 11pm and then doesnt stop for hours. If it continues to go off through this week whats my best bet, ringing the police or the council.
To the OP:

Get in touch with the council, they'll then ask you to complete a log of when and where the noise comes from. After this has exceeded 3 times from the same place, they'll send representatives around, sometimes armed with noise detecting equipment. If they ignore these people, then the police get involved.

The police can only deal with excessive noise between 11:30pm and 8:00am initially.

Hope this helps, and good luck.
Aspecto said:
while were on the subject of noise, ive noticed that someone nearby to our house has an alarm that for the past couple of days has been going off. I wouldnt be too bothered about it if it was through the day but it starts to go off after about 11pm and then doesnt stop for hours. If it continues to go off through this week whats my best bet, ringing the police or the council.
Stretch said:
Visit a farmer, hire a muck spreader for the morning and repaint the block brown. That'll keep them busy for a while, and might bring attention to your cause.

Council house remember? They call the council and get someone to clean it FOR them using taxpayers money.

I'd just call the police/'noise patrol' - lots. When we had trouble with kids outside my old house we just had to call the cops ALL the time. Try and get some of your neighbours to call as well, again lots of times. People think that calling the cops won't do much, and they're right. But if they hear from different people constantly they have to take notice. Call everyday if needs be.
VeNT said:

if it's repetitive, police won't come out. Our alarm went off on Christmas Eve evening (due to a faulty wire as we were replacing a door frame) while we were out and next door rang the police as they were worried that someone had broken in as they could hear banging in the house and knew that we'd gone out for the evening (the alarm spooked our dog who started trying to get outside, banging the back door) they said to them that unless they were SURE that someone was breaking in, they wouldn't be able to come out. It's an issue for noise disturbance and if it's been going off a while the police won't touch it.

As for the OP, if he's selling his house and he complains to the council, he WILL have to declare it when he comes to selling his house/flat, so it's a case of whether it's worth putting up with it for the time being. It stinks, but I don't blame him for not speaking to them, retaliation is what it's all about these days and then he will struggle to sell if his home/car is targeted and he has to report that too. If these people really don't know that playing music on a lawn outside is going to affect other people, then there's no point in speaking to them.
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