Absolutly Livid - Bethany update plus pics of pink house

Good to hear that things are finally moving along with eveything. Garden is looking really good and I can imagine your going to be having some good times out there.

All the best.
All the best to you all and little Bethany, hope it all goes well and glad you finally got sorted. :)

Pink house looks great, as does the garden, your doing a great job there, and glad you had a nice holiday.
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Hope everything goes well at the end of the month! Please get pics of Buddy as he will probably have gotten a lot bigger!! Also whilst the weather is nice, I think your Mrs should oblige us with a pic of you in that pink house? :)
Glad to hear you have an MRI scan finally booked Skywalker, better late than never eh! Glad to see Bethany doing well, all the best mate. And what Knubje said^ we need to see that picture of you in the pink house ;)
A picture of buddy the beast at 18 weeks . Hes great on the lead and the kids are loving him so much

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