Acceptable PSU voltage fluctuation

19 Jan 2006
My PC just bluescreened for the first time in a long long time, since installing Win 7 I believe.

This led me to check things like temperatures and one that stuck out like a sore thumb was my GPU temperature of 40 degree idle, 9 degrees warmer than normal, and when I ran Furmark it quickly shot up to over 75 degrees, which is very high considering it's at stock clocks with a Zalman VF3000-A, which happily kept it at 60ish underload when overclocked.

I've heard that poor voltage/voltage fluctuations can cause this so I checked my 12v line and according to a software reading it fluctuates between 11.921v and 11.98v, is that too much of a fluctuation? Could that be the cause of high GFX core temps? Should I be looking at getting a new PSU? Could it be the cause of my BSOD?

The system specs,

i7 920 D0 @ 3.6ghz
ATI 5850 @ stock
6gb OCZ 1600mhz Tri Channel
Tagan 580Watt 2Force PSU.

Firstly, 12v is allowed +/- 5%, so its fine from 11.4v to 12.6v
Secondly, software is unreliable. Get a multimeter. Only way to be 100% sure!

What was the Bluescreen error? This would indicate the problem. Can be as simple as a dodgy driver.
I know software is unreliable, which is why I made a point of stating it's a software reading, but unfortunately I don't own a multimeter.

The files which it was found in are,


How can I get back the error report to view the BCCode etc?
Ahh screw it, seeing as the PSU is getting old and the voltage is potentially causing the problems I ordered a new one, the Corsair Professional 850watt on the this week only deal.

Nope, don't know a Stephen Edwards.
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