Access/Visual Basic help

15 Sep 2006
Liverpool, UK

I am having a bit of trouble with validation in Microsoft Access and Visual Basic. Basically, I have created some validation rules in Access (which work fine), and I have made a data environment in VB to link the two together. I go to add a record from within the UI I designed in VB, and I get a validation error (the custom one I set in Access) thrown back in my face.

For the StudentID (example StudentID would be "JONESP"), I have used a validation rule of:

Like "[A-Z][A-Z][A-Z][A-Z][A-Z][A-Z]" (which works fine in VB and Access).

For the StudentPostCode (example postcode would be: "L21 7TC") I have used a validation rule of:

Like "[A-Z]##[ ]#[A-Z][A-Z]" (which I get an error on in VB, even though it works find in Access)

Fort the StudentPhoneNumber (example phone number would be: "0151 2874012") I have used a validation rule of:

Like "####[ ]#######" (which I get an error with in VB, but again this works find in Access)

So I am a bit puzzled with the way in Access the data I enter conforms with the validation rules I set, but if I enter the same data in Visual Basic I get the validation error message I made thrown at me? This is confusing and happens for all the validation except for the StudentID - confusingly. So for some reason I am doubting that my validation rules are correct?

So can anyone help me with this please? Quickly if possible, as I do have a deadline to meet :)

Thank you very much kind Sir's :D
I would scrap the rules in Access and use VB for all vaidation. You are going to have to validate it in VB before hand anyway, so you might as well only validate the once.

TrUz said:
I would scrap the rules in Access and use VB for all vaidation. You are going to have to validate it in VB before hand anyway, so you might as well only validate the once.

How would I validate it in VB to achieve the same results though? I don't understand what you mean when you say I would have to validate it in VB before hand...

The same way you do in Access but with if statements. So it would be lke:

If Text1.Text LIKE "YouValidation" Then
    'All OK
    'Something went wrong
End If

Ahh thank you! I will give it a go in a minute. By the way, is it advisable to have the same validation both in Access and VB?
Do you have to use validation?

One other method is to use input masks instead. They are much easier to implement, and makes sure that the data entered is to that specific pattern without having to validate as well.

You can add them to form controls like textboxes etc, and also in the field properties for your table.
Well I suppose I do not have to use validation, but I am much less familiar with input masks. I did have a look at them, and I did not like them.
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