accessing hd

30 Jan 2005
one of my hard disks kept coming up with a boot error, so i pluged it into my other pc and im trying to back it up by copying all the data from one hd to another, but i cant access my user account because i had a password on it, is there anyway i can access it ? im using xp sp2 if thats any help
You need to take "ownership" of the folder with a password on otherwise it'll simply look empty. If you need help doing this just ask, although there is plenty on google. :)
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In a nutshell though. Open a folder & go to tools. Then go to folder options and view. Scroll to the bottom and turn off simple file sharing. If you right click the passworded folder now, you will see a fouth option, security. In advanced you will see options to change ownership of a folder. That is the key to what you are trying to do. :)
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