Accident with cyclist - Seeking advice

I think you need to instruct them to recover the costs. That is what the legal cover is for afaik. Don't send anything more to him directly.

If he has no insurance then he is screwed if they decide he has any blame, even 50/50 hes looking at over £630.

I don't have 'Motor Legal Protection' as that was an extra that I didn't take out :(
Looking at the picture and at the video, even though he is visible to the dashcam for longer (as the dashcam is higher up and further forward) realistically you would have only been able to see him once his front wheel passed the wheelie bin, which would have meant you had maybe 0.75 seconds at best, probably closer to 0.5 seconds given the speeds he is doing.

Now pulling out of that junction, I imagine you saw a gap, looked left to check if anything was potentially coming the other way to be aware of, looked back right to make sure the gap was fine and started your maneuver.

I think you will need to be very firm with your insurance company and mention this, and insist he was cycling dangerously and you want them to refute the claim.

Exactly this. The dashcam is mounted right next to my rear view mirror, so is considerably further forward than where my eyes would be.
By the way, I have more rear footage of him spinning his arm around like a maniac trying to get the feeling back - Any thoughts about how that might affect his claim?

Unfortunately just as he started doing it the footage cut to the next recording and it seems to have lost 4-5 seconds when he was really going for it.
So maybe just re-word it like this:


I'm sorry to hear about that, and I hope you recover quickly from the dislocated shoulder. As you say it could have been worse, at least you didn't hit your head or break any limbs.

After my email to you yesterday, I informed my insurers of the incident, due to logging the police report.

They are 'Admiral Insurance' and the claim ref is: XXXXXXXXX

Their preliminary estimate of the damage that your bike made to my car is £1,266, but that was on the basis of photos and not a visual inspection so this could change.

My car registration is: XXXX XXX

Police reference number is: RTCWEB/xxxxxxxxxxx
The main thing I didn't want, was them putting it as a fault claim, and then me having to get insurance for the next 5 years ticking yes I had an accident, and I hit a cyclist.

Makes me sound like a maniac.

How much is that going to cost me over time?
I did indeed say sorry, after asking if he was ok, in the space of about 2 seconds.

Someone else said to me that implies I am taking the blame. At the end of the day, my car did knock him off his bike, there's no disputing that so that's why I was sorry! But coming down a path at speed when a car is indicating to come out is stupid.

What was I supposed to say, rant at him that he's an f'in idiot when he could be dying on the road? That would make me look like a monster especially if he was really badly injured.
I think people are overlooking the fact that driver wouldn't have seen the cyclist when the camera did. He would have been about a foot back and a few inches lower, also probably looking right. Theres a reason cyclists shouldn't go against traffic. By the time he was about level with that wheely bin it was to late.

Yep, I did mention that earlier.

My dashcam is mounted just to the left of my rear view mirror, and you are exactly right about my field of vision being lower and 1ft further back.
had already checked that, blackview dr650 was it, 129 versus human eye ~160.

It was interesting that the details of the mans face are not so clear (same deal for the images of the London bridge runner) - what do you need to pay ?

114° is humans horizontal FOV.

There's 40° more of peripheral...

Youtube kills the image quality somewhat.
Admiral say that with "vunerable road users like pedestrians and cyclists" that it goes does as "automatically liable" but this can change at a later date.

They haven't heard from the cyclist yet, but said these things can often take 6 weeks to even start if the cyclist goes through a no win, no fee type of claim - That's because they wait to see if injuries develop and assess how much it's affected the person making a claim

If the cyclist doesn't claim after a certain peroid of time, they just close the case. It doesn't matter that I didn't take out personal liability because I'm not the injured party suing somebody else, and my insurance covers claims against me anyway (phew!)

A dedicated/specialist team deals with those types of claims and will assess it properly at a later date.


Nothing much has happened. Car is due to go in for repair next week.
Because over the course of many years, America's culture of suing people has seeped in to ours.

See - Brits making false claims abroad for food poisoning. Other European countries don't do it.
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