Accidents and Dishonesty

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2 Aug 2005
Milton Keynes
I was involved in an accident on Friday, nothing serious. A lady ran a red light on a roundabout and hit the rear quarter of my car. I spoke to her while we exchanged details and she said that she wasn't sure what colour her lights were, fair enough. She obviously wasn't paying attention to not see the lights and the 5-6 cars entering the roundabout.

Spoke to my insurance and it looks like she has told her insurance that actually, her lights were definitely green and it was me who ran a red.. great. So as it stands it's a 50/50 split for liability. My only hope is that I've asked the council to check if there is any CCTV footage of the accident, so I'm waiting to hear back from them.

I knew this would be the outcome even before she lied to the insurance company, it seems people have some inbuilt reaction to make out it wasn't their fault. What happened to people having some integrity and being honest?
Absolute evil method: Depending on how you want to play it, could you phone her up and say you have cctv footage of the incident and would she like to change her story with the insurance company first?
Absolute evil method: Depending on how you want to play it, could you phone her up and say you have cctv footage of the incident and would she like to change her story with the insurance company first?

This may work. What irritates me is that, if the woman is then proved to be lying, there is no penalty against her.
I think I'm in the minority here in that, the only accident I've ever had (not my fault) the other party put their hands up and said, "yup, totally my fault." The whole saga of fixing the cars was then sorted in a few weeks. It's sad that people resort to bending the truth and, indeed, outright lying nowadays.

I think the suggestion that you have CCTV coverage of the area is a good one, although be careful these claims won't come back to bite you in the bum.
a lot of people seem to be doing this, I think if I am involved in a prang I would record the conversation and take photo's...
Although there are some ***** out there, it could be the insurance company pushing her a bit. I read in the Telegraph motoring section at the weekend of someone that made a 50/50 claim and kept getting hassled by an injury claims company and they had already started some claim for them without being asked!
Interesting thing is I'm with Elephant and she is with Bell, so they are under the same group. So I can't seem them trying to push the blame themselves, but you never know I guess.
I knew this would be the outcome even before she lied to the insurance company, it seems people have some inbuilt reaction to make out it wasn't their fault. What happened to people having some integrity and being honest?

Well, the honest thing for her to do would be to confess that she doesn't know what colour the light was, which is what her statements suggest, but that's basically a confession of driving without due care and attention so she'll not be in a hurry to do that.

And the reason people lie about it being their fault is obvious... they don't want to risk points or increased insurance premiums.
Interesting thing is I'm with Elephant and she is with Bell, so they are under the same group. So I can't seem them trying to push the blame themselves, but you never know I guess.

But they get to increase both of your premiums up next time, 50:50 is the best outcome for them.

Every time I read one of these threads I want to buy a Roadhawk.
the are cameras on the lights you were waiting at, if they show you and the others moving forward that should help even if they don't show the light as its doubtful multiple cars would decide to run a red light from a standstill lol
I makes me annoyed to hear about people bending the truth just to see if they can get away with it. Its not like we are involved in accidents (touch wood) all the time and people who try and blame others when its clearly their fault should be shot.

To the OP, doesn't your back hurt a bit now? I fancy a cup of Whiplash please...
the are cameras on the lights you were waiting at, if they show you and the others moving forward that should help even if they don't show the light as its doubtful multiple cars would decide to run a red light from a standstill lol

That's what I'm hoping. It was dark so maybe the colour of the light will also reflect off the cars :P
That's what I'm hoping. It was dark so maybe the colour of the light will also reflect off the cars :P

get someone to say they were in the car with you, someone did this to my brother and it worked so my brother lost his no claims and 5 people claimed whiplash even tho the car only had 1 person in
My Fiancée was in the car, but she is also a named driver on the policy.
get someone to say they were in the car with you, someone did this to my brother and it worked so my brother lost his no claims and 5 people claimed whiplash even tho the car only had 1 person in

another reason to crack out the phone and start taking photo's and some video...

I would try and get them to admit liability (if it was their fault) while not obviously recording once you ahve them saying it was their fault then start taking pics / videoing
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