Acers (the tree fools not the other ones)

9 Jan 2003
can you keep em indoors, are there spesific types that are good for keeping indoors, are there other trees of this type/style that can be kept indoors?

one of my friends is looking for a nice plant for her room next year (students ey?)
she realy loves acers (the leaves etc, shes an art student) but wants to know if its ok to keep inside as if left outsides its probably gonna get nicked by the locals (or another student).

I was thinking of somthing along the lines of a prayer lilly (love those) but aparently thats "boaring", so what do I know :rolleyes: .
so let lose guys, lets hear your ideas, (don't think bonsi will cut it tbh, but maybe).
she was also considering an orchid or somthing :rolleyes:
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