Ack. Moving house.

9 May 2005
Following on from my previous threads (the first being 'My landlord's a ******' or similar), I finally move house tomorrow afternoon and Friday.

I don't know when I'll be back around but I shall return with large numbers of photos!

Bye bye charvers, gyppos, graffiti and arson.

Hello yuppie riverside living. Fo'sheezy.

Wish me luck...I think I'll need it to stop my girlfriend from stressing out.

Well ive just split with my missus and she wants to remove me as quickly as possible.....great, nowhere to go and no way of getting there! :p :(
You won't regret moving away from all that crap N, I did the same thing about a year ago and boy what a difference it makes. Life is now chilled.
I HATE moving, with a passion. Best of British luck fella.

When my folks moved from the Post office to their current house, the people moving in gave them 3 hours notice. I basically loaded the van myself. :(
fatiain said:
When my folks moved from the Post office to their current house, the people moving in gave them 3 hours notice. I basically loaded the van myself. :(

Try loading and unloading both vans with your brother to find your Dad's new wife kicking you out same day, AND that included moving a piano dammit! God that was annoying. :p
Murf said:
Try loading and unloading both vans with your brother to find your Dad's new wife kicking you out same day, AND that included moving a piano dammit! God that was annoying. :p
Nice. :D
penski said:
Hello yuppie riverside living.
Damnit, I want one of those pads, with all the funny angled ceilings and silvery kitchens. I was supposed to be checking out a quality place here in Stratford but the guy I was looking to move in with broke his bloody ankle over the weekend and can't move now for 2 months :mad: .

Good luck with the move Penski, stressful it may be but a little effort for a whole heap of bonuses.
Gateshead - google for Staiths Southbank. They're the ones that were designed by Wayne Hemingway.

OMFG, I forgot to say...The video entry thingy is transmitted on the internal coaxial so you can tune your TV into it! How bloody cool is that?!

we need photos of the new place!

and also, the hats, just to make sure they're safe :)

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