Ignore the haters
@Acme , plenty of us have followed this with interest / curiosity /confusion over the years but, enjoyed it - myself included!
There’s little sense logically to restoring older cars, that’s not the point, so long as the end result puts a smile on your face then as far as I’m concerned, great!
I’m back considering (yet) another e38, despite the huge financial loss the last one was, who cares? I like them and one has crossed my path…
A 1999 750i Short Wheelbase, does it make any kind of sense? Nope, can I afford its asking price? Nope, do I really need it? Nope.
Do I like it and want to find a way to do this….
More fool me some (rightly!) would say, screw them is my view, it’s all about that smile on your face.
My man maths calculations are in full swing.