Jackie Chan a stunt artist rather than just a stunt man.
Jackie Chan movies as a kid in the 80's were so energetic, there was nothing like it, I'll always be grateful for Jonathon Ross doing a special on him in the mid to late 80s full of clips from Police Story and Armour of God, etc. That's how many people in the UK found out about him.
Police Story 1 was Oscar worthy IMO in multiple categories, truly utterly insane action for its time and super innovative.
Used to love his older drunken master style movies as well, he took some pretty good stunts in those too, I think in Young Master he took the most gnarly split legged nut cruncher when trying to dragon dance moves on a pole - it looked real and used crack me up a little kid.
Check out 1:16:40 onwards for the nut cruncher that looks pretty real, full commitment to the stunt. That's the full movie Young Master from 1980 but in Thai, some incredible fighting when Jackie was in his prime.
One of Jackie's stunt ensemble does an insane flip onto a pipe or something in a factory fight, just some of the greatest stunts and marital arts action there is.
3:07 onwards a couple of insane stunts from his ensemble. Benny the Jet with an amazing flying kick at the end, always looked so evil, such a great bad guy in many movies.
Always hated wire work stunts like Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon by comparison.