daven1986 said:
i think you missed out "nicholas cage" in the original list, as you say bruce willis was in face/off and con air etc.

also wasn't "the rock" sean connery?
LOL just noticed that...

Both big actors and were billed the same in the movie so I guess its either - its not like he has a small bit part in it...

Do I dare put forward Keanu Reeves and the Matirx trilogy - its pretty much a Marmite issue...

add Sleepy Hollow and Edward Scissorhands to Johnny Depp...

ps3ud0 :cool:
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ps3ud0 said:
LOL just noticed that...

Both big actors and were billed the same in the movie so I guess its either - its not like he has a small bit part in it...

Do I dare put forward Keanu Reeves and the Matirx trilogy - its pretty much a Marmite issue...

add Sleepy Hollow and Edward Scissorhands to Johnny Depp...

ps3ud0 :cool:

ah true, and what a movie "the rock" was - bloody excellent.

with regards to the matrix trilogy, i'd say the first should be in the list but i dunno about the rest.
andy said:
ive just decided bruce willis is bloody great in everything

also this list is lacking samuel j
'I have had it with these goddamn snakes on this goddamn plane!' ;)

Wesley Snipes:
White Men Can't Jump
Rising Sun
Blade Trilogy (last one was a bit crap, actually it was crap)

ps3ud0 :cool:
Clint Eastwood:
A Fistful of Dollars
Dirty Harry
Escape From Alcatraz
For a Few Dollars More
The Good, the Bad and the Ugly
In the Line of Fire
Kelly's Heroes
Million Dollar Baby
The Outlaw Josey Wales
Where Eagles Dare

Corey Feldman:
The Burbs
The Goonies
The Lost Boys
Stand By Me
the_one_deep86 said:
Leonardo DiCaprio The Departed, Blood Diamond and Romeo + Juilet

I also rate Titanic and The Beach. Never seen a bad film with him in it to be honest.


Scent of a Woman
The Insider
Godfather 1 and 2
Donnie Brasco

The Devils Advocate

Johnny Depp
Donnie Brasco
Pirates of the Caribean all of them

Sleepy Hollow
Edward Scissorhands
Secret Window
Pigeon_Killer said:
Clint Eastwood:
A Fistful of Dollars
Dirty Harry
Escape From Alcatraz
For a Few Dollars More
The Good, the Bad and the Ugly
In the Line of Fire
Kelly's Heroes
Million Dollar Baby
The Outlaw Josey Wales
Where Eagles Dare

I would have to say Robert DeNiro is one fine actor. Deffinately my favourite. He has been in lots of movies, not all great but 90% are. Here is my little list of Bob DeNiro movies I think everyone should see.

Godfather 2 (include Al pacino)

Heat (include Al Pacino)(just seen there is a game being made of this film)

Raging bull (include Joe Pesci)

Taxi driver (include Jodie Foster, fine actress)

Men of Honour (include Cuba Gooding jnr, another fine actor)

Shark tale (superb voice acting along with Will Smith)

Mean streets


Backdraft (DeNiro out-acts everyone, not the best film but he is good in it)

Awakenings (include Robin Williams, amazing actor. If this movie doesnt move you then nothing will. I would put this movie in the top 3 of greatest acted movies ever. Robin Williams is superb, on par with DeNiro if not equal. If you like Willams then I would suggest The Dead poets Society. If Awakenings didnt move you then this will. I burst out in tears the moment Williams first walked into the classroom. He presence in that room and his timidness (is there a word?) was lump in the throat for me.)

There are plenty more but would make the post too long.

See here for a indepth list of DeNiro movies.
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tim robbins

The Shawshank Redemption
The Hudsucker Proxy
Jacob's Ladder
Nothing to Lose
Arlington Road
ps3ud0 said:
bakes0310 said:
Jennifer Connelly:
Dark City
Requiem for a Dream
House of Sand and Fog

Wierdly Im not that surprised no-ones picked an actress yet - I honestly cant think of one who would make me watch a movie other than for her looks...

He did just that - above you! :p but he missed Labyrinth off the list ha ha!

BB x
Robert Downey Jr.
A Scanner Darkly
Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang

3 of my favourite films and therefore one of my current favourite actors. :D

Jake Gyllenhaal
The Day After Tomorrow
Brokeback Mountain (snigger)
Donnie Darko
Bubble Boy (Obviously his greatest performance :P)

BrightonBelle said:
He did just that - above you! :p but he missed Labyrinth off the list ha ha!

BB x
Hes been editing the first post ;) - but it did take a while for an actress to turn up...

Love Bubble Boy - was on TV only a week ago :D

ps3ud0 :cool:
Why wouldn't someone just imdb/wiki a particular actor and go from there?

And best films? For example the "Meet the..." films are amusing enough but its hardly De Niro at his finest.
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