Actors I am amazed that get jobs...

Why would it... Some actors are just **** no matter the roll/casting and a lot of them are on this list.

You're not getting it.

Thread is about being amazed at actors getting cast in the roles they get.

Actors rarely cast themselves do they? For them to even be there someone else has decided that actor is perfect and they should have the role.

Unless the actor is phoning it in and doing worse than they usually do it's the fault of whoever decided they were perfect for the role.

For example I agree Martin Freeman is super limited in his acting, besides the costume he's the same in every performance. But that's what he does. Someone else is copy pasting him into films over and over thinking he's just right and that's someone doing a bad job.
Directors love Reeves though as he's like a blank slate which they can use to project their vision of the film. You can't do that with actors that have an actual presence. IIRC Val Kilmer was original up for role of Neo in Matrix.

On my list would be Jim Carrey, Adam Sandler, Juliet Lewis, Ryan Gosling, All of the Balwins, Will Ferrell, Sandra Bullock.

All are poor compared to actors like Kevin Spacey, Ed Norton, Phillip Seymour Hoffman, Di Caprio (ugh), Amy Adams, even John Cusack when he tries, and Jennifer Lawrence (who has surprised me).

100% disagree with Jim Carey - Eternal SotSM, The Truman Show - phenomenal in those. The Mask, Ace Ventura etc - i don't think any other actor could have pulled those roles off.

Adam Sandler - a bit crap, but he has had some semi-serious roles in which he was impressive.
No. Don't want to either. He brings shame and humiliation on us Essex Folks. I want Gemma Collins to seduce him so he can meet a sticky end. :p

While I’m with you 100% in my detestation of Brand, having had the misfortune to attend a Silver Wedding anniversary in Basildon a few years back, I think that you Essex folks had the market in shame and humiliation well covered.
/\/\/\ :D With a telly show of our own (TOWIE) it gives the rest of the planet an idea of what us Essex folks are like, though they had to pick Brentwood for the nightlife instead of Festival Leisure park (Bas Vegas for short) or Southend seafront or high street on Saturday nights, they are reserved for the police reality telly programmes :p

For the record, I'm 55, so you'd think ive owned a mk3 escort & bought a shell suit at some point in my life being an Essex boy, Never owned either. Nearest I've got to that were white terry nappy socks when they were all the rage back in the 80's ;) Cant get more shameful than that!
100% disagree with Jim Carey - Eternal SotSM, The Truman Show - phenomenal in those. The Mask, Ace Ventura etc - i don't think any other actor could have pulled those roles off.

Adam Sandler - a bit crap, but he has had some semi-serious roles in which he was impressive.

Jim Carey is really divisive. When he suits a role he is amazing. When he is playing Jim Carey in a role that doesn't suit him and hes just playing his goody self then hes awful.

Hes also amazing as the grinch.
Jim Carey is really divisive. When he suits a role he is amazing. When he is playing Jim Carey in a role that doesn't suit him and hes just playing his goody self then hes awful.

Hes also amazing as the grinch.

Mike Myers is/was like this IMO.

I can’t stand Ben Affleck, don’t know what it is, but I’ve always felt even I could do a better job.

Owen Wilson, I don’t dislike him but I’m sure he just plays himself in every single role he’s had. Pretty good gig if you can get away with it.
Really? He is a very good actor. Unless you are just going off the media coverage he gets, which is always bad. I watched Transformers today, he's even likeable in that :D
I don't like him in anything I've seen him in. Indiana Jones 4 was an awful film but Shia and Cate in that were just absolute rubbish for me.
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