He's somewhat right, and you seem to have the complete inability to read between the lines and the metaphorical way he's speaking. You seem to almost literally interpret the mud hut statement rather than realise what he actually means.
Its this simple, your average person stays in a dull job without the courage to change his life. Many many people trudge through life unhappy and depressed.
At the end of the day, he's depressed and he's trying to change that, nothing wrong with that. He's risked a lot, lawsuits are plausible, never being hired again after what clubs would refer to as a stunt. He might not have that much money, may have blown it all for all we know.
I can't really say anything bad about deciding he doesn't want to be depressed, I can't really say anything was truly heroic about it anyway.
I don't see the need to call the guy names though, he's was hardly curing aid's and hardly directly letting people die by leaving, he's not really hurting anyone and arguably if he can get his head back in shape he could come back to the game better than he was next year, offering Inter better performances.
You need to realise YOU'RE not depressed, you quite literally can't relate to how someone who is depressed can think, you again quite literally think differently when your brain is depressed. Ask anyone whose actually be depressed, as opposed to people who were unhappy for a couple days that one time, they'll tell you it takes quite a lot of effort, and courage to admit a problem, especially publically, and try and fix it.