3 Sep 2010
Hi, My exchange only has ADSL and ADSL max. Does that mean i am stuck with 'upto 8 Mb/s' internet for now?
samknows says there are no LLU only BT wholesale.

At the moment i'm with plusnet so gaming is fine but i really want a better upload than 40 kb/s and still have good gaming capabilities.
Yep, you're stuck with 8Mbps max. You can get a higher upload speed if you want though, ADSL Max Premium gives you 832kbps but I don't know if Plusnet provide it.
Yep, you're stuck with 8Mbps max. You can get a higher upload speed if you want though, ADSL Max Premium gives you 832kbps but I don't know if Plusnet provide it.

im the same, stuck with 8Mbps.

my upload is 832kbps, but im on zen internet with their biz package.
bit expensive, but i have a family of 5 online a lot so i need a decent connection.
speed is contantly great , pings are low, and a 200GB allowance.

...but as they say, you get what you pay for :)
I can recommend office packages, 832Kb/s upload and better priced than Zen. Pings steady at 16ms to

Only get 2Mb on my line though, thanks to IPProfiles and disabling Interleaving to get lower pings.
Thanks. Theres so much stuff to read about isp's etc i wasn't sure if i understood correctly...
I think i've seen zen and how much they charge ;O. I really can't afford that if it's how much i;m thinking. I'll have a look into xilo then and some other buisness deals. 832 is a lot better than 40...
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