ADSL24 say I can get LLU service, but my exchange is not unbundled. help please

13 Jan 2004
South East

I am currently on O2 Access and was just about to migrate to ADSL24. When I put my number in it says I can have the '24 Mb ADSL2+ Premium LLU' package.

This is my exchange -

Not LLU!!!

So I called ADSL24, and the guy checked again and said that they do have their own equipment at the exchange and so it IS available. He says that sometimes SamKnows has it as not available if it is full!

Now, I need to put this order in soon, as my 30 day money back period ends with O2 on 15th September. However, I can't afford any delays in migrating should the LLU service turn out to be not available, as my Mum works from home and relies on the internet.

What shall I do? Order the LLU and hope for the best, or trust SamKnows and just order the non-LLU line?


PS. ADSL24's LLU checker says 'There is currently an LLU ADSL2+ order or service on this line.'

Do you think it is confused because I am with O2, but on a non-LLU service?
I've ordered the non-LLU service as I can't afford delays and downtime.

The exchange is not LLU'd so I think it's just confused due to being on O2, which traditionally is an LLU service (until they released the shockingly bad Access package).
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