I recently had a set of Logitech Z5500's die on me. Had these at least 2 years. Since been repaired and got rid of as sick of fuses blowing and also literally have no room. Plus the bedroom with people below it meant I never really benefited from the sub, and the surround was a bit akward.
Am in the market for a 2.1 set or headphones. I spent 40% time gaming (single player only), about 40% watching divx's and dvd, mainly divx's, and the rest probably listening to MP3's.
Considering the new Sennheiser 350's. Supposed to be a decent gaming headset and not have bad for music. I only listen to MP3's so not pushed about having "hi-fi". Using a Xfi Extreme Gamer as sound card so decent enough. Other alternative is Logitech Z10's, possibly even the Z-Cinemas, but not sure how good usb speakers are, whether the software is problematic and how convincing the virtual surround is. Almost think I'd be better off with the Aego M 2.1's. My budget is around 200 if need be. Not interested in 2nd hand hi-fi gear. Want something quick and painless. Any suggestions ?
Am in the market for a 2.1 set or headphones. I spent 40% time gaming (single player only), about 40% watching divx's and dvd, mainly divx's, and the rest probably listening to MP3's.
Considering the new Sennheiser 350's. Supposed to be a decent gaming headset and not have bad for music. I only listen to MP3's so not pushed about having "hi-fi". Using a Xfi Extreme Gamer as sound card so decent enough. Other alternative is Logitech Z10's, possibly even the Z-Cinemas, but not sure how good usb speakers are, whether the software is problematic and how convincing the virtual surround is. Almost think I'd be better off with the Aego M 2.1's. My budget is around 200 if need be. Not interested in 2nd hand hi-fi gear. Want something quick and painless. Any suggestions ?