Advice needed for cooling this heat-disaster PC down a bit?

The drives at the bottom are going to allow much more air flow. What's the new temps looking like?

I haven't been monitoring ambient temp in the room the PC is in so any info I give could well be totally irrelevant.

The PC is also crunching different sorts of work-units at the moment, so the GPU load is different.

I'm sure it must be better though... :p

Also I tidied the cables now.

should clean the dust off the GPUs - that isn't going to be helping things

The only dust on the GPU's is on the backplates. If I clean it off it will be back in a week. I cant be arsed, it wont make any difference as long as the heatsinks and fans aren't caked in it.

Anyway, its comparatively hot in here now I think, according to my body thermometer.

Temps about 5 - 8 degrees cooler on the CPU and GPU's.

That'll do I think!
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