advice on a new projector for living room

3 Nov 2010
Further to my earlier ramblings i now have the following options.

(i currently own a TW2000 - 6 years old , same bulb)

1. Panasonic PT6000 - can be obtained directly from amazon for £1150 and will have pan european 3 year warranty allowing me to take it to my local repair centre down the road if i get problems (i have checked this with panny themselves)

2. Epson TW7200 - £1360 from amazon germany - will have a 2 year warranty and 36 month lamp cover -

3. TW9200 - £1900 from amazon germany or £1600 from ebay with a USA warranty which is not as useful as a EU warranty

4. TW8100 £1660 - amazon germany

5. TW9100 - £1720 - amazon germany

I assume all the espons will be a step up over the pannasonic (or is the TW7200 under specced compared to the panny)

Looking for something that is quite bright.

I am torn between the panny and the TW9200 but the TW7200 also is of interest (apart from concerns over noise)

I also game so looking for lowish lag.
I assume this is mainly for movies and games?

Have you considered the Sony HW40? It's a great projector.

And in game mode, it has one of the lowest input lags I've seen.

36 month lamp cover doesn't sound very realistic... that will also have an hours limit like 1000 hours.
3 inches will knock off only 1.5-2 inches from your total maximum screen size.

Maybe it's worth losing that tiny amount of screen real estate for the picture quality you will get?
I do prefer having the black edge as the border... just I much prefer the image quality of the Sony over the Epsons I've seen.

I'm not familiar with the Panny though
I'm in pretty much the same boat although I don't really have the space constraints. Will be demoing the SONY VPL-HW40ES but am still mulling over a screen. My room is very bright so haven't settled on which screen to get. What do you have, screen-wise?
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