Advice on building a good pc under £400

OK I've done the following things but none of them worked.

I plugged the hdmi cable to the pc, the tv automatically went to HDMI mode but nothing was shownon the tv.
- I removed all the components and connected the 24 and 4 pin power connectors, shortened the power pins, the pc turned on, nothing on the monitor; plugged the HDMI and nothing; did all this after shorting cmos and still nothing.

what does rma means?

would it be possible to test whether is the CPU or motherboard? I don't want to send back the wrong item or multiple items if I can know which one is faulty.

ps: just to be clear I bought the cpu from OC and the motherboard from ebay
here's the motherboard link(is the same motherboard in my opinion but I'm giving the link just in case I made a mistake)
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I've received a replacement motherboard today and tested it, still the same problem; it says no video output and it doesn't work on the HDMI either.

I guess the only thing left to do in this case is that the CPU is faulty right?

ps:how do I return the product, I can't see any section that allows me to do this on the overclockers main website
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It seems like it's my bad luck as people usually say that these things work straight out of box :/

I have received the replacement cpu and apparently that was the reason why I was getting "NO VGA OUTPUT"

However, now that I've installed the new cpu,I get "NO Video Input"

What's the difference?
Hi,those pics are old , I remember using the 4 pin (the one connected in the pic that your stating to be the floppy disk connector)
but it wasn't working back then.
I then realized that I was using the wrong connector, I am now using 3 pin connector coming from the CPU fan and one coming from the sysfan(again it's a pin connector).

The situation is this now. I turn on, sometime it works, I can do anything on the computer . When I shut it down and restart it, it stops working, it keeps saying no signal.
sometime when I shut it down, the screen goes black, the fan keeps running and I have to manually shut it; when I try to turn it on again, it shows no video input.

So I'm struggling to understand what could be causing the problem as it works and it doesn't

It can't be anything to do with vga cable and monitor as I use the same for my other pc and they work.
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