Advice on emigration to New Zealand (especially those who have)

I've replied to a few of these threads before so I'll have a search and see if I can dig them up for you. The short version is: it can be amazing but it obviously depends on a lot of factors, mostly personal but some outside of your control (job market, house prices, uh ... cyclones)

I'll post a proper reply if I can't find my earlier responses to this question.
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Have a good read of this forum as well. The British Expats folks helped me a ton when I emigrated to the USA.

Appreciate the reply.

Yeah I assumed if gf and me do last and her health is classed as a disability then that would kill things.

But if a.. She gets better, or b.. The relationship doesn't last long I'd hope its a possibility.

Have a queon skills list. I fall under the huge IT banner. But there is a requirement for a computer related degree. Is this the case? Or would finding a job bypass this?

Also. I've been interested for a while as to what the main reason for people leaving is.
Really. I can't see me not liking it. Just because of what I love and what I want.

If this is genuinely viable I will absolutely come over for an extended "holiday".
You will need qualifications / or a degree for any skilled job on the shortage list, they're pretty anal about stuff like that, at least, in the trades, building industry, i'd say you would stand a much better chance if you have UK equivelant qualifications that can be transferred. Your best option would be to find sponsorship. Have a look on Trademe jobs, indeed, etc to see what's available and what kind of salary you'd be expecting. I'd imagine 99% of people who move here from UK start off in your frame of mind about wanting to do it too. Then I guess reality sets in that all your friends and family are back home 12000 miles away, it can be difficult to make friends here, especially if you're not pretty extrovert. And then, it can beome a pretty lonely place to be! I guess you need to see all sides of how it can be to live here. Also, when doing your research, take a note of where the gang towns are and avoid them! Crime can be pretty bad in these areas. But largely, gangs keep themselves to themselves, except for the odd rogue shoot out ;)
I personally prefer New Zealand to Australia. It just feels more culturally diverse and a bit less insular for some reason. That said, I'd be quite happy to move to Australia as well. I just think New Zealand is more my type of culture and place.
Good shout. NZ has no venomous predators waiting to stab you for not shaking your boots out before putting them on. By comparison everything in Australia will try to kill you in one way or another.
You will need qualifications / or a degree for any skilled job on the shortage list, they're pretty anal about stuff like that, at least, in the trades, building industry, i'd say you would stand a much better chance if you have UK equivelant qualifications that can be transferred. Your best option would be to find sponsorship. Have a look on Trademe jobs, indeed, etc to see what's available and what kind of salary you'd be expecting. I'd imagine 99% of people who move here from UK start off in your frame of mind about wanting to do it too. Then I guess reality sets in that all your friends and family are back home 12000 miles away, it can be difficult to make friends here, especially if you're not pretty extrovert. And then, it can beome a pretty lonely place to be! I guess you need to see all sides of how it can be to live here. Also, when doing your research, take a note of where the gang towns are and avoid them! Crime can be pretty bad in these areas. But largely, gangs keep themselves to themselves, except for the odd rogue shoot out ;)

Unfortunately my degree is unrelated to my job. If they are super fussy about that to the point its a barrier I guess that would be a deal breaker.

The lack of family/friends would be OK for me, I mean I don't really have any friends here. There are people I see, but I wouldn't say friends.
GF may have more issue with that. Especially family.

Yeah definitely need to look at of the job I'd be able to get can provide me with enough salary for a decent quality of life. I can start that now at least.
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