Advice on poor work from a bodyshop



12 Sep 2009
Hi all,

hoping you can offer me some guidance in regards to my situation.

I have an e46 cab. Body work is very clean expect for the bumpers so I thought I would get the bumpers resprayed and tidied up.

after a number of recommendations from the e46 owners Facebook group I booked it in with a bodyshop 40 mins away from me. I booked it in a month in advance.

the car was supposed to go in on a Monday and be finished by Friday latest of the same week.

I took the car in on Monday morning, got told that they need it till Saturday now so I said that’s fine. Saturday came and due to delays I got told they need till Sunday. On Saturday I got a call when they were prepping the rear bumper the primer reacted to the bumper (??) so they had to redo it again and now need it until Tuesday.

I went to collect it on Tuesday (last week) after work and the guy was still polishing the bumpers so I had to wait for 2 hours for it to be done!

the car looked fine and paintwork looked good when it was inside the garage, so paid the man and while he was taking the car out for me I noticed a couple of defects in the rear bumper. He agreed that I would bring the car in again this week to have the issues corrected.

fast forward to this week I messaged him to confirm the appointment and now I’m being told “sorry can’t do this week due to other work so will have to be next week now”.

frankly I am now fed up of being fobbed around so I gave him the ultimatum that he either corrects his poor work this week or I would pursue a partial refund and would take it elsewhere to have the bumper redone.

Am I being unreasonable? I paid using a debit card (stupidly). Do I have a leg to stand on if I initiate a charge back through my bank?

Never been in this situation before so would appreciate your advice!
8 Dec 2005
Right now these body shops are swamped with work due to lockdown almost ending & so many people back on the roads getting things fixed. If the bumper is not removed from the car its only 3-4 hours max to respray per bumper (unless it needs loads of filler due to dents & deep scratches!). A lot depends on the original paintwork finish is yours metallic or pearlescent ? They take a bit longer as need 3-4 different spraying stages.

Sounds like they did not even bother doing yours until you hassled them long enough as fully booked with other work (like builders another trick they do is book your vehicle in keep taking on way more work than they can handle then string you along for ages until you pressure them enough!). Then they did yours in a hurry hence not enough time to do it properly.

Asking for a partial refund is not unreasonable at all either I had something similar happen to me recently & they did not want to return to fix their shoddy work at all (from rushing too fast!). When they eventually did return I was still deeply unhappy but their attitude was this is good enough take it or leave it so I would never use them again or give a recommendation for that place!

You have to let them try again if its still not good enough I would pursue the chargeback but be honest with them about that aspect otherwise expect resistance as they are not going to just accept nothing for their work.

This entire car bodyshop industry is full of cowboys who do an ok job with known defects they can hide from you in certain lights. Always look at it from all angles & in different light levels. Natural summer sunlight is the harshest light of all if it looks good then its as good as you can get outside of a factory repair!
23 Jan 2006
It sounds like they've rushed it last minute. It doesn't take that long to paint two bumpers. The bodyshop we use will always overbook and work on the assumption that some cars won't turn up, but if they all do... they seem to prioritise the highest value jobs first. As stated above, most bodyshops are overwhelmed with work at the moment.

What was wrong with the bumpers and what did they do? What colour is the car please?

Also what are the outstanding issues with it please? If it's an easy enough fix, I would just let them sort it. If they need painting again, then I would look at some form of refund as you know it'll disappear again for another 7-10 days - it'll be even lower priority probably, as there's no margin at the re-work of the job



12 Sep 2009
Right now these body shops are swamped with work due to lockdown almost ending & so many people back on the roads getting things fixed. If the bumper is not removed from the car its only 3-4 hours max to respray per bumper (unless it needs loads of filler due to dents & deep scratches!). A lot depends on the original paintwork finish is yours metallic or pearlescent ? They take a bit longer as need 3-4 different spraying stages.

Sounds like they did not even bother doing yours until you hassled them long enough as fully booked with other work (like builders another trick they do is book your vehicle in keep taking on way more work than they can handle then string you along for ages until you pressure them enough!). Then they did yours in a hurry hence not enough time to do it properly.

Asking for a partial refund is not unreasonable at all either I had something similar happen to me recently & they did not want to return to fix their shoddy work at all (from rushing too fast!). When they eventually did return I was still deeply unhappy but their attitude was this is good enough take it or leave it so I would never use them again or give a recommendation for that place!

You have to let them try again if its still not good enough I would pursue the chargeback but be honest with them about that aspect otherwise expect resistance as they are not going to just accept nothing for their work.

This entire car bodyshop industry is full of cowboys who do an ok job with known defects they can hide from you in certain lights. Always look at it from all angles & in different light levels. Natural summer sunlight is the harshest light of all if it looks good then its as good as you can get outside of a factory repair!

It sounds like they've rushed it last minute. It doesn't take that long to paint two bumpers. The bodyshop we use will always overbook and work on the assumption that some cars won't turn up, but if they all do... they seem to prioritise the highest value jobs first. As stated above, most bodyshops are overwhelmed with work at the moment.

What was wrong with the bumpers and what did they do? What colour is the car please?

Also what are the outstanding issues with it please? If it's an easy enough fix, I would just let them sort it. If they need painting again, then I would look at some form of refund as you know it'll disappear again for another 7-10 days - it'll be even lower priority probably, as there's no margin at the re-work of the job

the car is sapphire black which is metallic I believe. The front bumper was riddled with stone chips otherwise in good condition.

the rear bumper was in very good condition except for 5cm area where the bumper has damage from it being reversed into a concrete post.

and I agree with both of you. This job was rushed as I asked for pictures of the work being done and only received the pictures on the Saturday. Both bumpers were removed to have the repairs done.

current defects include:
- paint missing around the rear reversing sensors.
- bubbling in a small area on the rear bumper.
- front bumper, area where the fog lights are has overspray of paint. So basically it’s meant to be fully painted but looks like he didn’t get the paint done evenly on that area so under the right light it looks grey rather than black.
- both front and rear bumpers sagging as not fitted properly.

I’ll get some pictures later after work.

to be honest I don’t want to waste time anymore time with this Garage. And I don’t want them near my car either. He didn’t even bother to respond to my message that I sent 2 days ago.

is the chargeback through my bank an option? How easy is it and how likely is it to succeed?

I need to decide which avenue to take as I don’t want waste time doing both

8 Dec 2005
Chargeback they are not likely to let that go unchallenged even if its a very shoddy job! You can go for it but be prepared for some blowback!

I can fully understand you do not want them to have another go.

Best way forward is politely call them & write explaining you are deeply unhappy as the work is not up to your expected standard. Ask for them to either agree to a refund or have another go on an agreed date otherwise you go forward with the chargeback process.

Its always hard with these type of disputes how far you want to go how far they want to go. I do not blame you though I would not want to pay anyone who did sub standard work.

Now when I need this type of repair on my car they are only ever getting the money if I am fully happy otherwise have another go spraying mate knock yourself out do it properly or do not expect to get paid at all!!
Man of Honour
26 Dec 2003
The next step is to mention that you'll need to let the owners groups know how unhappy you are with their work which is unfortunate considering how highly recommended they came. Don't underestimate the magic of social media pressure these days.
29 Dec 2002
This is how things get way out of hand way too quickly.

You are normally expected to give the other party a reasonable opportunity to make good the mistake(s) before seeking redress. The body shop will argue that you paid for the work after inspecting it and agreed to bring it back for what they likely see as minor correction work. You then changed your mind afterwards. Playing devils advocate then it could easily be argued you have failed to give them the opportunity to address the issue and if you follow the advice above, posted disparaging and damaging comments on social media that may negatively impact the companies reputation, that’s the kind of thing that can backfire, unless the work is so shockingly bad that the photos speak for themselves.

It would likely be quicker and easier all round to speak to the shop, clearly explain the issues and give them a choice of either booking it in for a specific day with a realistic turnaround time or a refund (partial or otherwise) and the understanding that if it’s not right again you will want a refund and to go elsewhere or go via the card issuer for a charge back and confirm what is agreed by email. They likely don’t want agro any more than you do, but many small independent garages/body shops find themselves very busy and with staff who are generally happier in a spray booth working/workshop than corresponding with people via email/social media.
Man of Honour
26 Dec 2003
This is how things get way out of hand way too quickly.

You are normally expected to give the other party a reasonable opportunity to make good the mistake(s) before seeking redress. The body shop will argue that you paid for the work after inspecting it and agreed to bring it back for what they likely see as minor correction work. You then changed your mind afterwards. Playing devils advocate then it could easily be argued you have failed to give them the opportunity to address the issue and if you follow the advice above, posted disparaging and damaging comments on social media that may negatively impact the companies reputation, that’s the kind of thing that can backfire, unless the work is so shockingly bad that the photos speak for themselves.

It would likely be quicker and easier all round to speak to the shop, clearly explain the issues and give them a choice of either booking it in for a specific day with a realistic turnaround time or a refund (partial or otherwise) and the understanding that if it’s not right again you will want a refund and to go elsewhere or go via the card issuer for a charge back and confirm what is agreed by email. They likely don’t want agro any more than you do, but many small independent garages/body shops find themselves very busy and with staff who are generally happier in a spray booth working/workshop than corresponding with people via email/social media.
To be fair I meant next step in the context of once you've explorered the other avenues already mentioned rather than just go straight in full nuclear like a kid having a strop.
19 Dec 2002
This is how things get way out of hand way too quickly.

You are normally expected to give the other party a reasonable opportunity to make good the mistake(s) before seeking redress. The body shop will argue that you paid for the work after inspecting it and agreed to bring it back for what they likely see as minor correction work. You then changed your mind afterwards. Playing devils advocate then it could easily be argued you have failed to give them the opportunity to address the issue and if you follow the advice above, posted disparaging and damaging comments on social media that may negatively impact the companies reputation, that’s the kind of thing that can backfire, unless the work is so shockingly bad that the photos speak for themselves.

It would likely be quicker and easier all round to speak to the shop, clearly explain the issues and give them a choice of either booking it in for a specific day with a realistic turnaround time or a refund (partial or otherwise) and the understanding that if it’s not right again you will want a refund and to go elsewhere or go via the card issuer for a charge back and confirm what is agreed by email. They likely don’t want agro any more than you do, but many small independent garages/body shops find themselves very busy and with staff who are generally happier in a spray booth working/workshop than corresponding with people via email/social media.

thats ok to a point having been in the trade it beggars belief that you take a job on and mess the customer about ...then turn out sub standard work, i agree you have to give them a chance to put it right , but them being busy and rushed as others have said doesnt give them carte-blanche to turn out the job unfinished.

if i had done that my customers rightly so would have roasted me. standards must have dropped:(
29 Dec 2002
To be fair I meant next step in the context of once you've explorered the other avenues already mentioned rather than just go straight in full nuclear like a kid having a strop.

I don’t doubt that’s what you may have intended to say, but your post really doesn’t say that.

thats ok to a point having been in the trade it beggars belief that you take a job on and mess the customer about ...then turn out sub standard work, i agree you have to give them a chance to put it right , but them being busy and rushed as others have said doesnt give them carte-blanche to turn out the job unfinished.

if i had done that my customers rightly so would have roasted me. standards must have dropped:(

If you’ve been in any trade, you’ll be aware that not every job always goes to plan and the potential reasons are numerous. It doesn’t sound great that both bumpers have issues or that messages sent have gone unanswered, but if the body shop is of previous good standing, then I would suggest speaking to them is the only reasonable course of action at this stage, even if op just wants a refund and to go elsewhere.
19 Dec 2002
I don’t doubt that’s what you may have intended to say, but your post really doesn’t say that.

If you’ve been in any trade, you’ll be aware that not every job always goes to plan and the potential reasons are numerous. It doesn’t sound great that both bumpers have issues or that messages sent have gone unanswered, but if the body shop is of previous good standing, then I would suggest speaking to them is the only reasonable course of action at this stage, even if op just wants a refund and to go elsewhere.

i understand that but i stand by my comments ..if you cant do the job in the time you allot for it then dont take it on. i would rather pass on a job than turn out one that has problems, as no one wants customers coming back with problems.
again if a problem does occur which is out of your hands , then explain to the customer, not carry on as if nothing has happened and expect them to accept it. this sounds like as said a case of taking more jobs in than capable of and then rushing after having pushed the time envelope to the end.

when i was in business it was annoying to be waiting for customers to arrive , only to find they either got a lower quote or a mate of a mate sorted it , and they didnt bother to phone in to cancel, for that reason we often had workshop projects to fall back on, show cars etc and it kept the staff busy, yes it was a worry when paying jobs never turned up but you soon learned there is no loyalty with customers, just cheaper prices.
better to have 2 cars completed properly than 3 cars with bits not right:)
1 Jul 2008
I'd give them a chance to rectify it, perhaps give them up to 7 days to the car on site and fix.
After that do a charge back and failing that if not satisfied or no refund go down the small claims route.

As above - you need to give them a chance first. Keep it civil, be polite, don't go in guns blazing.

Get a date agreed, don't phone to confirm, turn up this and keep the appointment.
Man of Honour
21 Feb 2006
Lots of body shops are crap.

People just don't care about shoddy work.
Comes down to money more often than not. It doesn’t always mean more money means better job, but I see some of the quotes for work and think that can’t be a good job, it just can’t. Cheaper paints, less time, less preparation, less time to finish off properly. Sadly you tend to get what you pay for. Corners are cut when there is less money for a job often.
27 Apr 2012
On Saturday I got a call when they were prepping the rear bumper the primer reacted to the bumper (??) so they had to redo it again and now need it until Tuesday.

Usually it can happen if the part was previously repaired, the only way to fix that is to completely remove the old paint and primer.

If a previous repair was not done properly or using crap materials, even looking ok at naked eye, it could cause a massive reaction when you paint over it.

Also some body shops don't allow the right time of drying between coats, don't use the right mixture of products or many other problems, that could cause trapped chemicals to not cure properly
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12 Sep 2009
Hi All,

Been a busy week so haven't had time to comment on this thread.

So I have taken your advise and messaged him 3 days ago. I simply asked when I should bring the car back in to get the work corrected. No response until this date. I can see that he has been on WhatsApp but he has not read my message yet (he has read receipts turned on).

I'll try to get some pictures up so you get an idea of this work.

I am going to give him until Friday, if he does not respond by then I will go ahead and raise the chargeback with my bank. How likely is this to succeed? I have pictures of the poor work and an e-receipt which just shows I paid by debit card.

Would you advise that I let him know I am raising a chargeback or just let it be a surprise?

Thank you all for the help!
22 Apr 2008
Bryn Celyn Wales
Hi All,

Been a busy week so haven't had time to comment on this thread.

So I have taken your advise and messaged him 3 days ago. I simply asked when I should bring the car back in to get the work corrected. No response until this date. I can see that he has been on WhatsApp but he has not read my message yet (he has read receipts turned on).

I'll try to get some pictures up so you get an idea of this work.

I am going to give him until Friday, if he does not respond by then I will go ahead and raise the chargeback with my bank. How likely is this to succeed? I have pictures of the poor work and an e-receipt which just shows I paid by debit card.

Would you advise that I let him know I am raising a chargeback or just let it be a surprise?

Thank you all for the help!
Yep do EVERYTHING you can, email, whatsapp, phone call that way you have evidence that you gave him EVERY chance. It's a ball ache I know, but you need to just play ball for me like said previously. Then once you have exhausted all options... that's when you become forceful. Unfortnatley, things like this will only go in your favour if you've exhausted all avenues and he could get very awkward... so bend over a little, play the game... then become forceful. last thing you need is to come out and find your car keyed ;) You don't want this getting ugly if you can manage a conclusion together so... that's what I'd be doing anyway. I'd simply go there and speak to him face to face. Man v's man rather than whatsapp and emails tbh, use those means as backup if necessary.

Yeah ping some pictures so we can see the work!



12 Sep 2009
Tell him unless you want him popping round.

I never gave him my address. He’s 22 miles away from me too so can’t say I’ll run into him.

Yep do EVERYTHING you can, email, whatsapp, phone call that way you have evidence that you gave him EVERY chance. It's a ball ache I know, but you need to just play ball for me like said previously. Then once you have exhausted all options... that's when you become forceful. Unfortnatley, things like this will only go in your favour if you've exhausted all avenues and he could get very awkward... so bend over a little, play the game... then become forceful. last thing you need is to come out and find your car keyed ;) You don't want this getting ugly if you can manage a conclusion together so... that's what I'd be doing anyway. I'd simply go there and speak to him face to face. Man v's man rather than whatsapp and emails tbh, use those means as backup if necessary.

Yeah ping some pictures so we can see the work!

I have already tried calling and he won’t pick up. Whatsapp and he won’t respond.

I was under the impression it’s better to do everything in writing now so that I have evidence?

Don’t want to waste 40 mins each way + tbh just so I can speak to him face to face. Will send him one last message/call tomorrow morning and I’ll just initiate the chargeback if he won’t respond.

I really want to go full nuclear and give him a dose of social media but I want my money first
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