Advice on PS3 & Linux install?



17 Apr 2003
I've been looking at some info on Linux installed on a ps3, i'm wondering if it's really worth it and what could be the advantage of installing such a OS on a ps3?

Any thoughts etc ? Please, before i go and install.

Oh and an after thought, i also saw someone said it maybe possible to install Mac OSx on it one day soon? ? ?
anyone know how many different Linux builds are available for PS3 now? also which would be the best for a complete linux noob?
Rebelius said:
using software whilst in breach of the EULA is piracy. ILLEGAL
That's questionable. It would be illegal if you were to have it installed both on your mac (as that's the only legal way to get the software) and your PS3, but if you buy a mac, install OSX on the PS3 and then uninstall from the mac, then it could be legal.

But of course if someone did install OSX on a PS3, I very much doubt they would do it from a genuine OSX install disc. Which means it would be illegal.
Stick with the one in the guide, that way you know you can't go too far wrong :cool:
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