Advice on sound upgrade

29 Sep 2006
West Yorks
Currently running a set of DT990 Pros through a cheap tubed amp with an audio switcher, switching from headphones to speakers. Using the headphones for gaming and have a cheap set of speakers for listening to music. I want to purchase a better set of speakers, I'm thinking of getting a set of Edifier R1280t's or similar. So thinking about getting a better amp too. a bit clueless on the amp Vs DAC situation and how to connect it together, IE what cables etc. I do want to be able to switch from speakers to headphones without unplugging cables. I would like decent audio quality too but to my budget. I'm think something in the region of £150 for a DAC/amp and a bit of advice of how to connect up please. This is for my pc.
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I have an internal Asus Xonar Essense STX. The headphones and 2.0 speakers are both pluged-in at the same time. You just switch outputs from the drivers. I am pretty sure Creative and others provide similar internal solutions. Most people nowadays prefer an external ADC/amp combo which l am clueless about.
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With active (own amplifier containing) speakers things are very easy for use with PC.
Most above low end sound cards have separate outputs for headphones and speakers.
(+switching between them in software)

What varies most is, if there's line outputs only for stereo or 5.1.
Which doesn't matter, if you're going to use just stereo set of speakers.

Internal sound cards have actually become expensive compared to external USB sound cards.
In those half of that £150 would give choises with Creative's B-stock.

Sound BlasterX G6 would have really good components with headphone amplifier good enough for most headphones you can buy.
Though for headphone gaming purposes it's lacking in features by todays standards:
It has only fixed, some average head shape based HRTF.
That could make binaural sound simulation more miss than hit for you regardless of DT990 being really competent for that.
(there are samples of that fixed HRTF in Youtube if you want to test directionality/positioning)

Newer Sound Blaster X3 and X4 have additionally head shape customizable "Super X-fi" HRTF, which might provide lot better binaural cues for your head shape.
Also some headphones are "profiled" to take their peculiarities into account in processing those positional cues.
And DT990 is included in that list.
So those might provide really good directionality/positioning of sounds for gaming.
Again audio components take step back from SBX G6, but headphone output would be still enough for DT990.
Ok, no sure what to say here but firstly, thanks for your responses however it didn't really point me in the right direction. I suppose I just wanted to be told, buy this, buy that.....job done .

Ok so I've done some reading up and wanted to ask if the following scenario would work.

Ok, so if I purchased something like a amp/DAC for my headphones which were usb connection to my pc. I have been leaning towards the Ifi Zen DAC v2. Then if I had a separate set of 2.0 active speakers, could I switch from speakers to headphones on the fly through windows?

I do not want a soundcard, Internal or external. I did read up on the creative G6 and it looked decent but read nothing but software issues. I just want something that'll work without the faff.
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To switch between headphones and speakers using the Zen DAC v2 you would have to insert/remove the headphone plug, you can't do it from within Windows as the OS/driver only sees as far as the DAC, it has no control over the amp section.

I've had a look through Amazon and if you're looking for a physical headphone/pre-amp switch, then you're looking at the SMSL SU6 DAC (£170) plus SH6 Amp (£120) stack or the Topping E30 II DAC (£150) plus L30 II Amp (£150) stack.
Both of the above headphone amps have a physical switch for Pre-Amp (speakers) / Headphone / Off. Every other HP Amp or DAC/Amp combo relies on you inserting / removing the headphone plug.
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To update this thread, I purchased an Audient ID4 MK2. This does everything I want and more. I can isolate the audio out to the speakers with the press of a button. Paired with my newly purchased Presonus Eris E5's. I am blown away. It took a bit of googling, watching YouTube videos and research but got where I wanted to be.
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