Advice on Web Software Engineer Role

26 Aug 2012
North West
I am applying for a job as a Web Software Engineer for a fairly large organisation based in Leicester.

I have sent in my CV. The role is based using mainly PHP, .Net, MySQL, Linux, SQL Server, JavaScript technologies.

Any advice if I get to the next stage? i.e. Tests, Interviews e.t.c? I'm a bit nervous as I have never applied for a development job before so unsure as to how they go.


It depends on the level of role ie, junior, senior etc.

For software positions at my place they generally have a two phase process.

First is a tech test (geared at which ever level they are after) followed by a short interview to get to know the person.

The second interview will then differ depending on the level the candidate is applying for.

Junior roles will usually have another interview with one of the existing development team to see if personalities mesh with the team and the business.

Senior roles may involve a simple website build that we give them a week to prep for and then we can do a mini code review. Again the dev team is usually present at this point to ask some questions.

From personal experience skills are important but we look for personality as much as anything as there is no point getting a super developer who just doesnt fit with the team.

Best thing to do is just relax, answer the questions as best you can and importantly research the company you are applying to. It always helps with that usual question of "so what do you know about our company". There is nothing worse than getting a candidate who knows nothing about the company they are applying on.

Good luck.
Depends like Dave said from company to company. Normally it is a phone interview just too see your experience, what you want and your personaililty. After that it is normally a coding test or questions.

If all goes smoothly you normally have a face to face interviews. This is the real part and from my experience I have found it is really not that hard. Firstly read about the company and find out as much as you can, sometimes they never ask you about it but if they do and you have no knowledge then thats just the worst. After that try and prepare for generally questions, so brush up on some PHP, .Net and so on. Whenever they ask you a question just try not to BS them, they have mostly likely heard everything, instead just answer what you know. If you don't know something don't be afraid to say so, and follow up with asking them the answer and show that you can grasp that concept quickly and are eager to learn. This come sometimes be even better then just answering the question correctly.

Mostly just try relax, you are bound to fail a lot but just use every experience as a learning point, also ask for feedback so you do better next time.
It's a junior/entry role, and most of my PHP implementations have been using the CodeIgniter framework, which means that I have become used to using the built in libraries and functions for a lot of things, which I am worried has impacted by 'Raw' php skills. For instance using DB's with CodeIgniter means I am very rusty in manually working with DB's in PHP.

This is why the tests worry me a little bit and what I might be asked to do.
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My brothers friend went for a similar role and we knew there would be some development test so we set him up with a mini website with all the code examples and frameworks he uses as well as putting them on a USB stick to that he could access them if needed.

However, you've got time now to sit and practice. I've personally never used frameworks as i like to build from the ground up with things, but then I don't do anything too complex :)
Thanks I might do the same with a USB stick.

I've seen some places online saying they should if carrying out a practical test, to provide reference materials or sites i.e Would you say this is the case?
Personally I would say no. When it comes to reference material. Remember this is a test of your knowledge rather than how good you are at googling the answer.

For a junior role they will be looking to make sure you have a basic understanding of the technologies they use but skills can be learned, personality either works or doesn't work.

As I said from my experiences on both sides of the interview process just be yourself. You are likely to be doing first line bug fixes, helpdesk type calls so if you have a strong support background that will help you.
Thanks for the answers so far guys.

The role is a graduate/junior/entry role and it is almost exclusively PHP based in the role.

I got an Interview so hopefully that is a good sign, but its a phone interview which I never like as I find it very hard to convey myself over the phone.
Had my first development interview about 6 months ago, went like this ...

- Give examples of my previous work, then supply code, then design a site.
- Passed that part, so I got a face to face interview with the owner.
- Then afterwards had an interview with another developer, who bombarded me with questions, I was just honest and said I wasn't sure on about 60 - 70% of them.

Got offered the job, but I wasn't comfortable with it, I didn't feel I was ready so I turned it down. I learned more doing that interview process than 6 months of my own training to be honest! I'm now a half decent developer, so in the near future i'll be looking for another developer job, this one just came to soon :)

Good luck mate!
Our place is quite different to all the above we have a aptitude test more than a tech test. If you pass that then short interview and your in,, but you need 90% to pass the test so not many get through that.
Good luck.
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