Advise, comments, tips on next system upgrades....

27 Jun 2007
This is my current setup:

OS: Vista Ultimate
CPU: C2D E6400 @ 2.8GHz (Max mobo will allow)
MOBO: ASRock ConRoe945G-DVI
RAM: 2GB Corsair TWIN2X
GFX: nVIDIA 7300GS (bargain!)
DISPLAY Acer 1917WAs 19" widescreen
DVD-RW Pioneer DVR-110DBK
CD-RW Yamaha CRW-F1
AUDIO: Trust 5.1 SC-5250
Also Trust 5.1 headphones - (another bargain at £20! and very very good!)

My next planned upgrade is aAsus P5N32-E SLI mobo so I can then so SLI. Now is the mobo worth the money? I'd like to OC the C2D a load more (3.2GHz+) and think from what I've read that board will be the best option, obviously not on stock cooling! Would love a striker extreme but think thats a little OTT for my needs and wallet - sadly.
I also need some advise on what card/s to go for, I have to say the 7300GS is a absolute bargain for what it can do, even comes with bundled OC software! However I'd like something thats SLI and has a bit more balls, ok, could go for a pair of 7300 GT's ... worth it? Also I'd like to get a better PSU, I'm using a ColorsIT LED 650w at the moment, not the best in the world.
Cases wise, not essential I know but thinkind Thermaltake Tsumani again, would love a Zaldman Fatality case, sexy stuff!
HDD's! Well, I have just taken delivery of 2 160GB samsung HD160JJ SATA 3.0's, RAID 0 or RAID 1 with a PCI controller? Or splash out on 2 more drives and go RAID 5? Or better to just use the onboard RAID controller with which ever mobo I get.

Also how do I find out the figures of my overclocking, I'm at 2.8GHz now but not sure what fsb, steping???? but its maxed out on BIOS options.

All advice and comments welcome for a new OC'er. :p
Megahurtz400 said:
Really no point in going SLI with two old-ish cards.
Keep the 7300 fort now and save for a carc in the 8800 range, will blow 2x 7300's out of the water as you dont get a massive power increase!

ok kool, was a thought, and a 8800 spec card will defo destroy those budget cards, was just thinking of an economy temp fps boost.
those big end cards frighten my pocket though ha ha
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