advise with heating options in my house

I went with

As I said I'd prefer gas, but this seems to working fine for now.

These are meant to be one of the best, more expensive obviously.

Please let us know how you get on with these will you. We've got quite modern storage heaters and had heard previously it would be a waste change to electric heaters, but speaking to someone who has actually had it done would convince me more either way. Also, what was the ball park figure of having yours done and how many rooms did you have it put in.
with the grants, an air source heat pump will pay for itself in 4-5 years possibly less. Factor in that it will also increase the value of the property a lot more than having gas or electric radiators put in. It's not just about the install cost.
Please let us know how you get on with these will you. We've got quite modern storage heaters and had heard previously it would be a waste change to electric heaters, but speaking to someone who has actually had it done would convince me more either way. Also, what was the ball park figure of having yours done and how many rooms did you have it put in.

Ill report back in a month how its going. My wife is off on maternity so they are being used daily, ill let you know how economical (or not) they are.

I have 3 heaters it cost me £1200.

1 x 1000w bedroom, 1 x 750w hall and 1 x 1750w living room. Its a 1 bedroom maisonette.
Ill report back in a month how its going. My wife is off on maternity so they are being used daily, ill let you know how economical (or not) they are.

I have 3 heaters it cost me £1200.

1 x 1000w bedroom, 1 x 750w hall and 1 x 1750w living room. Its a 1 bedroom maisonette.

thanks mate, i sent you a pm, hope you dont mind, just wanted to quiz you further, waiting to hear back from the gas company as well. undecided at present.
Did you ever speak to neighbours jimlad?

They not interested or you didnt get time?

spoke to a few, they are all electric and no plans to change, i knocked on one further down the road and he said he was quoted 5k plus for the road works 4 years ago. he said if the price was around 1500 he would be prepared to "work something out" waiting to hear back from the gas board, but its not likely to have come down as still no one else has gas.

i got this from a well wisher at work

"a £20 oil filled radiator or a £10 fan heater from Argos will produce EXACTLY the same amount of heat, for the same running cost, as any electrical heater - even those costing many £hundreds.

If you have storage heaters you probably have an Economy 7 electricity tariff. If you get normal(i.e. not storage) heaters you will need to change to a single rate tariff.

However I would really consider if it is worth carrying on with storage heaters. For all their faults, they do provide cheaper electrical heating and also on Economy 7 you heat water at off-peak rates."
I have storage heaters as there is no gas in the village I live. They are a complete pain in the backside as you have to estimate when you need them and I often get it wrong.

I just bought two cheapo Delonghi fan heaters for when I get it wrong. They don't cost a heap to run surprisingly and double up as normal fans in the summer.
aye, yeah i want to replace the storage ones for sure, the one in the bedroom is uncontrollable and the one in the front room is sooooo old and dated its a pain, apart from that we dont have any other heaters!
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