Aer Lingus Delay - Refusal to pay compensation

Man of Honour
17 Oct 2002
Ottakring, Vienna.
Get off your high horse you pompus clown, these things happen in life and you can not get compensation for every little thing that goes wrong. You got home in the end so what is your problem ? They paid for you to get a taxi. I would hate to be you if you broke a nail

Well actually, you can get compensation for delayed flights by EU airlines. It has nothing to do with being "pompous", or a "clown".

OP did not receive the service he paid for, he is entitled, by law, to compensation.


OP it is highly likely you will need to take them to court - this isn't like PPI where airlines will just roll over like banks have. There is a good chance you will win. Do they have UK offices?
12 Apr 2007
Did you suffer any financial loss as a result of the delay?

This, and it's a what, 5 hour delay? Hardly the end of the world and they got you home in a cab.

Plan ahead a bit more next time, I don't know what industry standards are in terms of compensation but I wouldn't imagine 5 hours is into compensation territory.
1 Sep 2013
Well actually, you can get compensation for delayed flights by EU airlines. It has nothing to do with being "pompous", or a "clown".

OP did not receive the service he paid for, he is entitled, by law, to compensation.


OP it is highly likely you will need to take them to court - this isn't like PPI where airlines will just roll over like banks have. There is a good chance you will win. Do they have UK offices?

This is exactly the problem in this world, people believing they are entitled to compensation for every little thing that goes wrong. Honestly people like this really annoy me, they are ambulance chasers looking for a quick buck at the detriment of honest people. Stop being so pathetic and get on with your lives, honestly it is sad trying to get compo for such a little delay. Ever heard the phrase "buy cheap, buy twice?"
Man of Honour
17 Oct 2002
This is exactly the problem in this world, people believing they are entitled to compensation for every little thing that goes wrong.

Whether we agree with the idea or not, the fact remains he probably *IS* legally entitled to compensation for his delay. A 5 hour delay on a 1 hour flight is fairly excessive by anyones standards.
12 Apr 2007
I currently have a claim in with Monarch for a 5+ hour delay in Corfu airport for myself and the Mrs. We are "eligible" for 330 Euros each as a result.
I have filled in all the forms, and sent them off. It was a horrible delay.We had to spend 5 hours in a tiny airport (those of you who have had such an experience will know how bad that can be) not being give much, if any information.
Just waiting for a response now.
Do we deserve it? Who can tell, I know for sure I would have happily paid a couple of hundred quid per person not to have to experience it though!
Good luck with your claim.

I'd quite happily sit in an an airport for a couple of hours and have a couple of beers if I was being paid a couple of hundred quid lol!
12 Apr 2007
[TW]Fox;26553683 said:
So why post in this thread? It's not as if the 'standards' are hard to find using Google anyway.

You would therefore imagine wrong.

Because I feel the OP is being anal, and wasting far to much thought over a trivial matter, and so I am sharing my opinion.
Man of Honour
17 Oct 2002
Ottakring, Vienna.
This is exactly the problem in this world, people believing they are entitled to compensation for every little thing that goes wrong. Honestly people like this really annoy me, they are ambulance chasers looking for a quick buck at the detriment of honest people. Stop being so pathetic and get on with your lives, honestly it is sad trying to get compo for such a little delay. Ever heard the phrase "buy cheap, buy twice?"
You literally don't know what you're talking about.

EU airlines must, by EU law, compensate for delayed flights within certain parameters. It has nothing to do with buying cheap, it has nothing to do with ambulance chasers, it has nothing to do with being pathetic.

It's the law!
1 Sep 2013
You literally don't know what you're talking about.

EU airlines must, by EU law, compensate for delayed flights within certain parameters. It has nothing to do with buying cheap, it has nothing to do with ambulance chasers, it has nothing to do with being pathetic.

It's the law!

The law also says that a pregnant woman can wee in a policemans helmet if she cant make it to a loo. You can also shoot a welshman in the eye with an arrow from the walls around chester.
30 Jun 2007
Well clearly I don't, however I still don't think you deserve it.

What a stupid law.

if you buy a cup of coffee and get given half a cup do you not hink you'd be entitled to some form of refund.

he paid for a flight at a specific time he did not get this.
30 Jun 2007
The law also says that a pregnant woman can wee in a policemans helmet if she cant make it to a loo.
No the law does not say that.

it states that a pregnant woman will not be charged with public urination if she cant make it to a toilet.

she can only pee in a policeman hat if he gives it too her and lets her.
Man of Honour
17 Oct 2002
It doesn't seem like that trivial a delay either. He was supposed to arrive after a 1 hour flight at 7pm. Instead, he arrived a 90 minute drive away at a totally different airport at 3in the morning!

Paying for a taxi wasn't an act of generosity for which he should be grateful, it's pretty much all they could after delivering him to the wrong airport 8 hours late!
30 Jun 2007
[TW]Fox;26553727 said:
It doesn't seem like that trivial a delay either. He was supposed to arrive after a 1 hour flight at 7pm. Instead, he arrived a 90 minute drive away at a totally different airport at 3in the morning!

Paying for a taxi wasn't an act of generosity for which he should be grateful, it's pretty much all they could after delivering him to the wrong airport 8 hours late!

i need i cant imagine AndyCroft1982 being happy if after he ordered something from them ocuk said "hey we sent it to Birmingham but don't worry we'll pay for the taxi for you to go pick it up"
25 Jul 2005
If it means I won't fall out of the sky because someone rushed something in fear of having to pay compensation, then hell yes.
I don't like delays and I'd expect them to be efficient but not at the price of my safety.

Regardless that rule exists.

If your car broke down on the way to the airport causing you to miss your flight should you get a refund from the airline? It's extraordinary circumstances after all...

OP I think you should at least get in contact with the No claims lawyer you mentioned and see what you say.

Airlines should be held to account for problems, whether they be routine or due to extraordinary circumstances. Then again I may be bias after being screwed over by two separate airlines in the last 6 months because they couldn't keep their end of the bargain (i.e.. get me to and from somewhere on dates and times specified in the contract/ticket...).
1 Sep 2013
if you buy a cup of coffee and get given half a cup do you not hink you'd be entitled to some form of refund.

he paid for a flight at a specific time he did not get this.

If you were told your coffee would be ready in 5 mins but it took 10 mins should you get a £100 compensation even though you got your coffee in the end? If you only got half a cup of coffee ofc you should get some sort of refund but should you get compensation 4x more than the cost of the coffee ? errm don't think so
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