After 14 years gaming what have you learnt/done?

17 Jun 2009
As the title says. Nobody wants a life story. Few bullet points. I’m totally wasted and do not give a shinny xxx

Whats your story? PC is the bestest.
  • Started playing Bf2 and made a friend from Norway, learnt some Norwegian (Norsk what evs). Epic TV guided AH1z/Z10 gunner…. Best time of my life
  • Joined a guild to play AoC, thought it would be cool one day have my own forums and be an “head admin”
  • Started a clan, went massive.
  • Went to Iseries – Best weekend of my life (aside from family). Blown away by the community.
  • Isreies following year - Came 3rd place in Bf3
  • Iseries next year – The clan I Started came 2nd place in BF3 with Jackfrags as one of our team members. We had pics and mentions on video’s.
  • One of our members sung “Dumb ways to die” Go youtube it… if you’re a PC gamer you’ll know it.
  • I cared too much about server numbers and clan numbers not about quality. Lost friends which I considered close friends because of “head admin” decisions which they didn’t like.
  • Learnt a clan should be made up of likeminded people, moved forward with like minded people and which was dictated by them.
  • Played loads of games but realised any game is good so long as clan mates play.
  • Embraced being absolutely ripped to **** everytime I hyped a game which later turned out to be dog ****. I.e Warz, Dayz Standalone, any standalone
  • Best Friend/Clan mate died, realised that internet mates mean as much if not more than RL friends. Clan members came from all over the world to funeral
  • Tried to managed internal personality conflicts for years but realised we’re not in school and tried to bring reason to any and all argument.
  • And lastly realised gaming friends / clan mates are the closest type of friends you can possible wish for in life. Because they get you, you have the same sick tastes and they will tear you a new bum but will ALWAYS be there for you!

So to OCUK and all the clans, friendship groups, LFG, Discord, TS….. Cheers! While 99% of us are toxic we’d all have each others back!

Right….. Whiskey is running out…. Jack Daniels is the best whiskey in the world nothing compares and its even better if you pick it up in a Vauxhall Astra (best car), of which I have both and love buying early access games…… 3 of the worst thing you can say here!


I only really played wolf:ET. I learned that 'Europeans' have very good English and recently I learned most are passionate about the EU. It was sad when ET died around 2010/11, I'm still not entirely sure why it did as it but still has the best gameplay but seemed to dissapear overnight - I assume COD and other games were the reason.
I can't even remember half of it now - some random thoughts:

Been there done that when it comes to the clan stuff - including the drama and clans that have ended up splitting into 2 or more, etc. more like 25 years though for me :(

In the old Quake 2, 3, Counterstrike 1.x, etc. days was very into it - played semi-seriously in a number of leagues over various games including the top tier of US Quake 3 CTF (EU scene at the time was dominated by 1v1 and TDM) and was involved in developing some of the backend services that are taken for granted today (was one of the founders of and also did a bit of stuff for a couple of different UK GSPs back around 1999-2003). Used to run all kinds of servers, websites, IRC services, etc. there was a time when I really cared my servers were ranked #1 for provisioning in certain games hah.

Slowly tapered off from there though I did get involved with a group of people mostly from these forums in Eve Online from ~2009 to 2015 which for the most part was drama free.

Over many years I've developed or atleast developed an appreciation of organisational skills as well as the application of tactical and strategic thinking - not to say I'm that good at those things but certainly improved over the years on that front and they are skills that can be transferred into many areas of life in terms of thinking ahead a bit more, etc.

These days I play pretty casually for fun, drifting from game to game as takes my fancy and not really getting too involved in anything though I've several gamer friends and family IRL who are only too happy to group up, etc. if needed.

Out of all of it though I think I miss messing about in City of Heroes the most - played with a few people from here as well as friends from another game - there was something special about that game when it came to playing with other people and one of the few games I've experienced almost universal respect for the other players. None of the toxicity of elitism that I've found in pretty much all other games.

Do regret in some ways not getting into some games more seriously at their peak - Battlefield 2 I had some love for but the "netcode" I found off-putting and only played intermittently and the Call of Duty series and original Day of Defeat I pretty much ran as a one man army. Used to love twitch FPS games but now I don't have the reactions, etc. I used to and spend more time in coop/online PVE stuff like The Division which generally scratches the itch fortunately.
Short and sweet, after 2 decades of PC gaming, you just get to 'know' games, and you scrutinise more which isn't a good thing. You see issues that shouldn't be a thing to stop you playing, you're able to tell sloppy development over good development. Having played hundreds, if not thousands of titles over the years over multiple steam accounts. It makes you bitter. I'm sickened at the current state of the gaming market pushing out horribly sclad titles in the horrible 'games as a service' model, early access for years (Space Engineers, looking at you for a prime example right now). It's just cack.

It's tough to find a game in which I can get lost in as I love solo story based games which are all but pretty much dead now. As a result, I've recently bought a PS4 Pro and a Xbox One X just to play titles that I can sit down and enjoy.
Saw my first game at ten
Gaming mad by 11
Addicted by 12
Left school at 16
18, I played nights at the computer but then I stopped shooting bugs and started pushing myself
I did things I never dreamed I would, overcame things I never thought I could.
The framerate, the lag, the fears, doubts and all bosses.
Sure I was born in Hampshire but I was made in the Virtual World.

Start your journey search made in the game.
You see issues that shouldn't be a thing to stop you playing, you're able to tell sloppy development over good development.

Yeah - back in the early days of 3D games the hardware was barely upto it and drops to like 9fps and 30-40fps average was more liveable with same with clunkier movement, etc. these days a game would have to be doing something truly exceptional to put up with that.
I learnt that if your gf offers you sex, never turn it down in favour of trying to complete the final level of a video game. Also, being able to complete Monkey Island 2 : Le Chuck's Revenge, in under 20 minutes, is not something to brag about.
I learnt that if your gf offers you sex, never turn it down in favour of trying to complete the final level of a video game. Also, being able to complete Monkey Island 2 : Le Chuck's Revenge, in under 20 minutes, is not something to brag about.

And I have learnt that it depends on the girlfriend and it depends on the game...
After 30 years of gaming I've finally realized that only games that have multi-player competition, that make me sweat/be on edge truly interest me. A Steam library with about 60+ single player games that I've never gone past 1-2 hours in each attests to that. I am addicted to the adrenaline rush of games like battle royale, MMORPG's that are difficult and have strife and PvP, etc.
Here is mine.

- Started with Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six through the MSN Gaming zone on XP and joined a clan called SST. This was back in the day of a 56k modem
- changed back and fourth with Tom Clancy's Rouge Spear as well
- Went over to Counter strike then to Counter strike Source then to Counter Strike Global offensive. Also played some UT\Quake etc as well
- Played Diablo 3 and reaper of souls along with some seasons
- Played the reaper of Souls
- Played the Division 1 for quite some time.
- Today I move between games, I sometimes get sucked in to playing Roblox games with my son but currently looking at Div 2

and after all this I have learnt that I have wasted many many hours playing games, money on PC parts and upgrades and also buying the games! lol

Made some great friends through clans over the years and even met some of them but over the years as people play less and kids appear you loose touch
Saw my first game at ten
Gaming mad by 11
Addicted by 12
Left school at 16
18, I played nights at the computer but then I stopped shooting bugs and started pushing myself
I did things I never dreamed I would, overcame things I never thought I could.
The framerate, the lag, the fears, doubts and all bosses.
Sure I was born in Hampshire but I was made in the Virtual World.

Start your journey search made in the game.

That was very good, I doff my fedora to you sire.
Back in the day, 1995 dial-up was my thing, I had just left school and the internet didn't really exist until a few years later (to be fully available that is) BBS and ipx networking Doom on the 6th form PC's kept me busy.
The counterstrike alpha's/beta's were where i cut my teeth with some battlefield 1942 thrown in for good measure and a sprinkle of Codename Eagle and Delta force Land warrior just to ice the cake.
Battlefield 2 and 2142 came around with the expansions that followed and I some how aged 10 years! I've played every incarnation of Battlefield on every platform but noting compares to Bf1942 Desert Combat mod or BF2! Now I mostly the The Division 1/2 (soon), Destiny 2 and Diablo 3 when the mood takes me.

Clans came and went but one motley crew hung around, 820, B2Z, 50K, RS.... RS.... the Rogue Squad my homies, helped me through some tough times, loosing my Girlfriend, ex partner cheating on me, some even came to my wedding, and one in particular has always come around to meet my children (even the latest edition), nearly 20 years with the RS boys, brothers, fathers as some are old enough to be (well nearly).

I have very few Real life friends, I'm far from antisocial just have a select few friends, but online friends from years ago I still speak with on a daily basis.

I'm 40 this year means I've been gaming and part of an online community for nearly 25 years and I wouldn't change a thing
Some of my most significant gaming moments:
  • Played games as early as I can remember, but it wasn't until the PS1 arrived and a friend gave me FF7 to play that it changed my whole perception of what games can be. Fell in love with JRPGs and story games in general which continues to be my favourite genre today.
  • My first online game, Everquest, blew my mind. I didn't really know what I was doing but I met an older American woman who just befriended me one day. I got to know her over about 4 months, she was being treated for cancer and would spend her time online. I was only about 16 at the time and I had to stop playing due to the time I was spending and other commitments taking over. I never found out how she got on but I still think about her all these years later.
  • FFXI, another MMO, was my next big thing and I played it for years and made real life friends from all over the world. Probably had my best gaming moments ever in FFXI, it was built to play with people so you couldn't solo like most MMOs today but that's what made it so rewarding. So many memories from this game I get so nostalgic when I hear the soundtrack.
  • Elder Scrolls Oblivion arrived and it blew my mind when I stepped out of the sewer for the first time. Since then I've spent so much time simply modding the games and getting lost in them. I've spent an embarrassing amount of time inside Skyrim.
  • Now at 34 I've just drifted off from gaming because I find most modern games lack that spark that I want from games, its all about markets and demographic, not singular creative vision for the sake of it. Some indy games do it, but I miss the big sprawling RPGs that you can get lost in. Occasionally they appear, like the Witcher, and going back further, the Mass Effect trilogy, but games of that quality are so few and far between.
I was about 10 when Pong was released in the UK on the Atari 2600 - remember being fascinated by it but had no idea how it would change my life (surrounded by xbox one s, switch, ps4 and this pc)

Only do sp as I got turned off multi years ago by too many morons online ( my reactions are pants also so Im terrible at squad based games etc).

Mainly into racing games - whether its Mario Karts, Forza Horizons, Colin McRea Rally, (Duel II back in the day with a Ferrari vs Porsche 959), Gran Tourismo, but also love puzzle games like Mario and Zelda

Was lucky enough to have both a ZX81 and a spectrum when they were both pretty current, and loading games via tape was such a ball ache hahahaa, the temrament needed to wait several minutes and even then it would mis-read every so often and you would have to start loading again (manic miner / jet set willy, jet pack, Knights Lore to name a few )
I have come to realise that nothing with beat the UT, Q3, SOF days of 2 week long LANs with 6 mates no sleep and poor internet to play these games to the max when they got released.

Rose tinted glasses perhaps but they are still my favorite gaming memories.
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