After 14 years gaming what have you learnt/done?

Been playing games for as long as I can remember, my earliest gaming memory is playing Defender on what I imagine to have been the Atari.
It all got properly good when I got a decent PC and internet connection and bought Half Life. This resulted in aquiring TFC and CS. From there I joined various clans and played many matches (Clanbase I think it was?) Best Clan was (SA)Sniper alley, we played NIP once and got our arses handed to us.
PUBG now and have made various online mates playing it, great game and still play it daily.
Edit - this has got me thinking, the CS days must be bordering on 20 years ago, scary but also awesome as it is still popular today and I fire it up occasionally.
America's army was my obsession(anyone remember this? that game that was created in an attempt to get people to actually join the US army?), followed by Star wars galaxies, I must have spent hours on end on these 2 games.

Then world of warcraft came along..

Although I loved my time in these games, I really do wonder what I could have achieved in life if I didnt sink so much time in to gaming....Ah who am i kidding, anyone for a game of apex?
After console gaming in my youth, I discovered PC gaming. I've always been a petrolhead, and gravitated toward driving games. Played FPS games, strategy games etc. etc. ...
The more I played the clearer it became that I'm not a gamer any more. I'm a virtual racing driver (not a very good one) but racing is what gets my blood pumping. The biggest wow moment in recent history, VR by a long shot. For racing it's literally a game changer.

What I've learned? You can waste hours of your life gaming, find the games you love and put your time into them...if it's a bit meh! walk away, because I can guarantee you'll miss out on something IRL if you p**s that time up the wall on a total nonsense game. Also set sensible limits, you can overdo it and lose the fun element very easily.
20 years of PC gaming since HL.. I wonder sometimes looking back and think why have I wasted my time.. but when I put into contest that the rubbish I would have watched on the telly then it doesn't look all bad.

I have over the last few years tried to avoid gaming, mainly because I've been too busy but I get an itch that needs a good scratch..

Falout 76 is sucking a bit too much time away from me at present. :D
20 years of PC gaming since HL.. I wonder sometimes looking back and think why have I wasted my time.. but when I put into contest that the rubbish I would have watched on the telly then it doesn't look all bad.

I have over the last few years tried to avoid gaming, mainly because I've been too busy but I get an itch that needs a good scratch..

Falout 76 is sucking a bit too much time away from me at present. :D

Wait, HL and Fallout 76 in the same post :eek:
  • Was part of a FIFA league back in the days of FIFA 99 playing via dial-up (Still remember my mum shouting at me to get off the internet so she could use the phone) :D
  • Left said FIFA league in 2006 after I found my first MMORPG in the form of Matrix Online (MxO)
  • Played MxO religiously for 3 years and was part of a faction and became friends with a few of them over the years.
  • MxO was then shut down in 2009 and what a send-off we gave it! Spent 15hrs partying online with old "faces".
  • Then I discovered Crysis and Hitman Blood Money
  • Got very excited when F1 came back in 2010 to PC after such a long absence no thanks to a certain SONY console
  • In 2011 came DC Universe Online where I happily wasted over 3000 hours of game time. Still play it from time to time but not as heavy as I used to. Longest stint I did was around 18hrs! :eek:
  • Then there was the Call of Dutys (MW still the best ever!), the Battlefields, the Star Wars and the Need for Speeds (Shift was a blinder and I still remember the group we created on here for it to take part in time trials)
  • These days I am quite mellow when it comes to gaming. I rarely talk online when I am in a group, mostly just type. And I don't really "play to win". I play to have fun even if at times I do get frustrated.
  • Also I have to be in a certain mood/mindset to play some games e.g. I bought the new Hitman 2 over Christmas and have barely played 10mins of it, yet have racked up over 750hrs on Injustice 2.
  • What have I learned? Some games are meant to be played seriously. The rest, not so much. You just have to know which is which.
I have learnt the following

  • Free to Play killed the MMO genre.
  • Being the siege leader in AOC was the best gaming moment ever (Tainted Souls FTW, thanks for memories guys and galls great times:) )
  • PVP kills a MMO as soon as the DEVS start listening to the obnoxious idiots who do it.
  • Elite II was a far far better game than Elite Dangerous
  • Cheating is out of control on the PC and the DEVS do not care, if they cared they would walk out on the owners who pay the wages.
  • The fad for watching people play a video game in-front of a green screen is beyond my comprehension, really... really I do not care about you, besides you probably cheat.
  • OCUK forums are not as good as they used to be.
  • Their has never been enough games based on AD&D rules
Even after all of these years gaming, I still miss the days of COD2
We had our own server and played in leagues back then, practice nights, match nights & get drunk whilst playing nights.
I am surprised I am still married to be

None of the modern games seem to live up to it for me.
Yes the graphics are better now, but the modern game seems quite hollow and boring in comparison.....or is this simply rose tinted spectacles?
hmm I've learnt that the older I get the more I get shot .. reflex's just arnt what they were bad eye sight pains in the elbows after an hr or so .... gaming is for the young ..
I still enjoy games like apex but I'm crap lol
I dont think it is an 'age' thing, I find it is a lack of practice.
When younger you tend to have more time gaming, as you get older it gets more difficult (lots of other distractions).
That could be just me though.
That I wish I could have much of that time back and focussed more on real life tbh.

Sounds depressing but I'm thinking the same. I'm coming to the end of my Masters and starting a PhD in September, and I'm starting to think that instead of building a new PC as I was planning to, I should just save that money and focus on some other hobbies...
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