After a year of warcraft....

18 Oct 2002
Somewhere in the middle.
Ive been playing WoW for over a year now. And had a great time. But now i think i need a new game as its becoming a bit boring.

But what is going to occupy me long enough? me and my mate play online together so i would like to continue online.. but a different game!

any ideas?
Yep, stay away from RF Online, especially after playing WoW. Although it looks and sounds like a nice game, it's a real grind-fest and it feels very incomplete and buggy. I might consider going back to it if they do a huge update in the summer, but with the WoW expansion pack coming out, I just can't see it.

Speaking of the expansion, ever thought about getting this when it comes out?

Otherwise, you could try BF2 or CSS for something different and fun.
Hedge said:
Ive been playing WoW for over a year now. And had a great time. But now i think i need a new game as its becoming a bit boring.

But what is going to occupy me long enough? me and my mate play online together so i would like to continue online.. but a different game!

any ideas?

Could always try EVE Online although for a better idea of MMORPG's you might want to check out those listed at
Well i will go back when the expansion comes out. I would probably enjoy it more if i had another lvl 60 but i hate levelling characters.

I guess i want something that me and my mate can play side by side on. we used to play Diablo 2 until wow came. I dunno what guild wars is like. i saw that in the shop. looks ok.

think its gonna be tough replacing wow
Only reason i keep playing WoW is for the people i play with and have become very good mates with.

PvP has taken my interest aswell, aiming for atleast rank10 atm then will see if ive got enough time to go for the almighty rank14.

Really looking foward to the expansion, though levelling to 70 may be a /bore... the new end game looks very very cool.
i just got myself everquest 2, have to say i think its pretty cool, a lot better than i remember it back when it 1st went retail, enjoying grouping up and the quests are very good, also fact it only cost 10.99 for it with the kingdom of sky expansion and the free month :eek:
Zefan said:
Only since the NGE, before it was sweet sweet candy. Post - CU wasn't actually that bad.
I loved pre-CU, and quit a week after it went live. Some friends pestered me into coming back to try the NGE and I almost threw up when I saw Jedi all over the damn place, swimming through them to get anywhere ergh. The combat is bloody idiotic too, compared to the old system. :(

Sony Online Entertainment can forever burn agonisingly in Hell. I was also looking forward to Vanguard: Saga Of Heroes very much, but now that Sony Online Entertainment have even said it's name I think I will pass.
EQ2 is really really really good PVE content and with the right people in your group/guild you can have hours of fun.

lol that sounded a bit "sad" I played it on some Yank server and the guys in my guild were hilarious we had a right laugh doing 24 man raids, getting massacred :O

SoE just love churning out expansions for the game so i imagine its bloody HUUUGE now. It was pretty big to start with.

Deffinatley do not play it alone its best enjoyed in groups. Even tho they nubbed it down to make it solo/due/trio freindly.

Also Be The Ratongan race, coolest, funniest MMO char i have ever ever made Every time i looged in i cracked up it look so Rediculously funny.

Hope you have a really beefy system cos the games very nice looking with the right hardware, although some of the models look a bit SWGish. Especialy the Elfy people, but they are good fags anyway so spit on them, filthy rubbish pickers.

Oh if u do play it and u happen to be ratonga, promise you speak to an NPC called "Klarrisa or Karrisa" in your starting town funniest Voice acting ever.
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