Air Cooler for QX6700

30 Dec 2006
Lave Space Station
Hello o wise ones, I prostrate myself before you in the hope of gleaning some of your expert knowledge.

I have been saving my pennies for quite some time now, as my elderley P4 2.8Ghz PC is starting to chug something awful with new games ( Titan on BF2142 even with all levels turned to low is pretty laggy ) and the good Mods for BF2 like POE2 have to be played on low.
So, I've been saving the sponduliks. I made a vow that I'd try and buy 'Top o the line' ( no flaming please, I'm here for genuine help - not to flash my future e-penis! ). I'm going to build a new rig around a the Quad core QX6700. It's going to be in a Antec P180B case, which will have a full compliment of fans installed.
My question is, which is the best Air cooler for the Quad? I've got a Artic Freezer 7 Pro that I bought ages ago cheaply on deal of the week - but I know that the Quad runs hot! Is it good enough?
I really don't want to water cool.

/me returns to postrate position to await the wisdom of the forum gods.
Tuniq tower or Scythe Ninja are solid coolers.

Any reason why you're going quad now? You should save plenty and go E6600 or E6300 and clock those plenty, and the system would be fairly future proof.
imo quads are a waste of money at this moment in time, get a e6600 overclock it and spend money on better graphics/mobo/memory

or just get a e6300 because mine handells anything i throw at it

what will you be using your system for btw?

Deiwos said:
Tuniq tower or Scythe Ninja are solid coolers.

Any reason why you're going quad now? You should save plenty and go E6600 or E6300 and clock those plenty, and the system would be fairly future proof.

Yeah, I know I could save a £200-£300 by going dual - I just want a quad.

Never been able to afford 'the best', but I'm now at the stage in my life ( 32, married, decent job, mortgage taken out before house prices went nuts etc etc ) where I want to buy the best toys. I know the debate will rage for a good while yet about dual versus quad. I just fall into the quad camp atm.
Stinka - the system will primarily used for gaming and video encoding/editing.

When I game, I have Bf2/2142 ( currently!) running with Teamspeak, Teamspeak overlay, Server Admin software etc.

I really appreciate all help and your time answering this guys.

Just set one of these up yesterday with a Tuniq tower and an Asus P5B MB.
The TT mounting comes out quite away and I havd to carefully bend some of the capacitors over on their side, the mounting still pulls sown on them though.

Temps I get are about 35 idle and 50 degC on full load with fan at full speed.

Ps I used the new Zanman HS compound as I am finding it easier to apply thinly than AS5.

Hope this helps
macrosii said:

Just set one of these up yesterday with a Tuniq tower and an Asus P5B MB.
The TT mounting comes out quite away and I havd to carefully bend some of the capacitors over on their side, the mounting still pulls sown on them though.

Temps I get are about 35 idle and 50 degC on full load with fan at full speed.

Ps I used the new Zanman HS compound as I am finding it easier to apply thinly than AS5.

Hope this helps

Indeed it does, thankyou for taking the time to reply. I am keen to hear from people who have built QX6700 based systems.
QX6700 + Shuttle

Hi for info, just set one of these up in a shuttle for a rendering app.
Standard Clock Speed

Shuttle SD37P2
7600 GT
150GB Raptor
DVD writer

Temps under load all cores
Smart Fan on
Sys 38
CPU 68
Cores 78 - 82
Running near silent

Fixed temp control at 60Deg
Sys 38
CPU 59
Cores 68-71
Moderate sound.

Fixed temp control at 62Deg
Sys 38
CPU 62
Cores 70-74
About the level of sound I would be happy with.

All fans max speed.
SYS 35
CPU 54
Core 63-67
High level of sound
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