
Fantastic Looking build.. That said I cant see OCUK being happy that you are promoting one of their competitors in your sponsorship. ;)

Oh and I bet that's just Iron Brew in your GPU loop isn't it? :D

So far so good.but I expect they will pick it up lol
That's the colour I was going for,I had a can of iron brew,and mixed the fluid to that colour lol
Very nice, I have a query though.

With the res and rads being low down and the orientation of the case, do you not risk air trapping in the GPUs as they are now the highest point of the loop? Not an issue so long as you keep an eye on it and bleed now and then i suppose.

The res and Gpu on same level,the rads in basement.
I tilted the case when filling,to get as much fluid in rads.i thought it might take a while to bleed,but I was surprised that 5-6 hours later both Gpu were filled and I topped the res up.
All cooling perfectly
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