Album swapshop thread

17 Oct 2002
Loads of threads going around where folks are asking for recommendations or similar artists, bands that needed more fans and the music thread fills up from day to day.

It’s a good method to trawl over these and with inline links made very easy to sample new music. That said I sometimes find myself switching off from an artist after one or two songs and then skipping the thread altogether, potentially missing out on something I’d like, and so I propose that for folks that are interested we pair up and swap music, just like some of us did in the 80s early 90s on those TDK’s from Woolworths.


1. Post your current genres of interest.
2. Post what genres you would like to listen to but currently don’t. Let the thread fill up.
3. Come back to the thread and pick a partner (:p), like the school dance, just don’t be as shy.
4. Pick a full album for your partner, make sure it’s available through digital means. Talk across thread or trust email so that the album you both get is fresh and not something already known.
---- a. Your partner can either target your newbie genre to hopefully get you in to something else, or recommend something new to you in a genre you like.
---- b. Please don’t go trying to get someone into Metal if they didn’t list it as something they might like and currently like Dance, it won’t turn out well.
5. Post a small review of what you thought of the album.
6. Repeat or never do it again.

Don’t go nuts with the genres, there are really only about thirteen I think, with no special exceptions for soundtracks, and Dubstep, that’s electronic :p:

1. Pop
2. Electronic
3. Dance
4. Classical
5. Folk
6. Rock
7. Metal
8. Blues
9. Easy Listening
10. Country
11. Gospel (:p you never know)
12. Hip Hop
13. Reggae
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