Alien baby found in Mexico?

9 Feb 2009
Mexican TV announced in 2007 that an alien baby was found alive by a farmer in Mexico. Now, it has been two years since it was found, and scientists finally announced the results of their tests on the alien baby: the creature indeed resembles nothing like humans.

According to the scientists' report, the alien baby can stay underwater for a long time, has the skeleton of a lizard, and has rootless teeth which are totally unlike humans' teeth. However, it does have some similar joints to human. The brain of the alien baby is huge, particularly the rear section, which makes the scientists believe that the creature had very high intelligence.


It looks like a mini version of that thing from LOTR (Gollum is it?? I can't remember!)

I think there may be something out there - otherwise it would be an awful waste of space but I don't know whether to believe this story....

Also it says scientists discovered it can stay underwater for a long time, how so when the farmer drowned it before they were experimenting on it? :confused:
Meh, story doesn't add up in the video.

The scientists don't look very 'scientific' and none of them talk to the camera..
I was assuming it was thrown in a pond/river while still in the trap. Odd maybe but why do they think it's alien?
This story reminds me of the story that was posted on the Daily Mail about CHinese "scientists" examining 45odd minutes of UFO footage one of them recorded.

Turned out the footage was recorded by some local and the scientists were not scientists...

Reddit had a good old laugh at that.
Why do you never get these stories on well-known reputable news sites? Oh yeah, because the whole thing is a load of tripe, that's why.
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