All computers with operating systems now come Pre-installed with a 180 day trial of Panda Antivirus

22 Aug 2010

All computers with operating systems now come Pre-installed with a 180 day trial of Panda Antivirus 2012 for FREE

Your new computer system now comes readily protected from Viruses thanks to Panda Antivirus 2012. We are now pre-installing a 180 day trial of the antivirus on every computer we ship out with an operating system, absolutely FREE.

OPT OUT drop down option available on all system for those that don't require additional AV.

Errrr, one of the things I hate most about shop bought pre-builds is the amount of crap that is usually installed on them. So this makes the chances of me buying one even less likely. Just my $0.02.
Is there a option for bundleware free clean install on your custom PCs?

This is a MUST.

While it's good to offer AV enthusiasts usually have a product of choice or do not run any products at all, leaving them needing to do a full OS re-install.

I guess it's not a big deal as most would want to do a fresh install anyway but the choice would be win-win.
Yea it's not a big deal to people who know about computers especially if it brings the costs to the buyers down.
Assuming they come with original windows disks so you can do fresh anyway.
This is one of my pet hates as well, pre-installed software which you have to go into the registry to uninstall is horrible. Please don't try to stuff unwanted software down our throats OC!
Panda is one of the worst registry updating AV packages out there, it infests your machine so much, and can slow you to a crawl, in some ways I would rather take the virus hit.

And to make matters worse its not even that good, if your going to pre load, put something decent like bit defender on.
The software can be uninstalled very easily and it is not tied to the registry.

The software is completely free and has been added to our systems to compliment them. We went through a lot of testing to determine which AV would be the most effective and least intrusive for our system range and customer base.

To uninstall a pre-installed system would be a silly idea as you would have to re-install all drivers separately also.
In all honesty, it takes me longer to set up windows to work properly for me than it does to uninstall a small program.

in comparison to turning off unnecessary windows features, disabling hiberfil.sys, setting pagefile manually, disabling UAC etc etc, the task of entering control panel and uninstalling the program if you don't like it is a walk in the park by comparison.

Panda is actually a decent AV. I have been using their global protection on my laptop for about 6 months with great success. small footprint and resource sympathetic?
that's what you want from an AV

you have to remember, you are all enthusiasts. someone buying a prebuilt system is less likely to be an enthusiast and therefore require some of the legwork to be done for them.

our product suggestion forum has spent the past 12 months alive with people asking for this kind of product.
Maybe its got better recently

"The user interface is very simply set out, and you will quickly get used to it. It may not have the flashy design of some similar software out there, but it certainly does the job. Just like nearly all internet security software, Panda has improved its performance since last year. But although it is not exactly a resource hog, it is not quite the leanest of the security programs either. However, most users will find that it does not affect your performance too much, and if you are used to using an older security program you will be pleased by the improvements that have been made in this area."

My experience of it in comparison to bit defender is that it is clearly not of the same standard though and seems to place a much greater hit on the system performance.
I think its a good thing, people buy systems pre built with OS installed because its literally plug and play.

Being able to 'plug and play' all the while knowing you are secure has got to be a bonus :-)
The fact that its a 180 day trial suggests to me that the AV company bundle you some cash to install them in hope that the people who do buy your PC's will renew when its expired.

Just like the purple shirts place
The fact that its a 180 day trial suggests to me that the AV company bundle you some cash to install them in hope that the people who do buy your PC's will renew when its expired.

Just like the purple shirts place

It should be offered as a free option for purchasers, not pre installed if you don't want it. Even though its (supposedly) an easy uninstall the fact it was pre installed would actually annoy me enough to not buy a system.
Why not install Avast Free ?

Not just 180 days to test it, but possibly free for a lifetime.

I've been using it myself, and installing it on customer's PCs for the last few years, never really had a problem.
Not that I'd ever buy a pre-built computer, but that would really put me off.

I understand what you guys are saying, but you have to listen to what us customers want, it should be an optional extra, not just included.
Maybe they should just make a check box at the end of the product page

"Would you like to include a free 180 day trial of Panda Anti-virus? Y/N"

Then people can choose if they want it or not, leave it checked by default, then people only uncheck it if they really don't want it. Job done.
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