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All graphics chipsets Ranking 170+

30 Jul 2005
killer_uk said:
I think the last column is the recommeded CPU to get the most power out of the card. A rough translation came up with 'recommended something something'.

well thats flawed to begin with. can max out any card even on a low end cpu.
12 Mar 2003
Cyber-Mav said:
well thats flawed to begin with. can max out any card even on a low end cpu.

Yup, it's hard to find out what they really meant by putting that in there.

EDIT: Whatever you can make of this;

For you thereby to help the purchase decision to improve was brought this diagram map rank list into being. Here we have a listing from at present over 160 diagram maps, it find very old diagram maps, in addition, the newest representatives. It acts with this rank list around a pure survey of performances of the enumerated diagram maps, without attention of system components such as CCU, main memory or Main board. Resulted this rank list from different bench mark from 3DChip and other partner sides. We will try this list to keep as current as possible. Again with us the CCU recommendation with MHz indication regarding the orientation of the system composition. Intel P4 material clock is comparably with AMDs " P " Rating of MHz example a AMD Athlon 64 3500+ corresponds in for instance the performance of a material clocked Pentium 4 with 3500 MHz clock. Diagram chips with green linking were tested by us.

Update: Since the introduction of the DirectX 10 suited diagram maps, we use the designation pixel pipelines no longer, these became by the Unified Shadereinheiten in the list by the Abk. “US” supplements, furthermore one finds now also the designation “FR” for the used Streaming processors with NVIDIA the GeForce 8 diagram maps.

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