All Mac book prices dropping in the US and going up in the UK

yeah they are, i hope i did not come across as a mac hater as that is not true, we push them for use in southampton schools. i just have an issue with the pricing and putting them up even more is even more bugging!

Schools who buy in bulk save even more than single purchases, even when including discounts.

You have to ring Apple to negotiate a price :)
I can understand people being annoyed with the pricing, I've been in the same boat.

I think the issue is that when $2=£1, Apple had that with a significant premium over US prices. Now that the pound is weaker, Apple's prices match up to around the conversion from dollar to pound - the premium has somehow disappeared.

It's a good thing for now because the products would essentially be more expensive than they now are with said premium. However, it makes what Jobs said about the 'cost of doing business in the UK' seem a bit like 'we know we can squeeze some more out of people in the UK' when the pound was so much stronger.

I don't mind paying a premium for Apple products, but I feel a bit annoyed at paying a premium on top of another premium when it suits.
The Mini is over priced, but it has ... Super Drive over Combo Drive, too which you could only get on the top model
Heh, you'd bloody hope so. A bog standard DVD writer is worth nothing in 2009 and to call it 'Super Drive' is pretty funny.
No they haven't. That's a stupid thing to say - no company is going to phase out something because "demand is too big [high]".

It's not a product they are overly concerned with. If they were overly concerned with the demand they wouldn't have waited so long and gave it such an unimportant boost and placed it under a bigger price tag.

They've consistently denied it much time in favour of the iMac. They kept the crappy on board graphics for as long as possible and didn't even add Wireless N when the rest of the Macs were given it.

It exists in the lineup due to people wanting it, not because Apple love it. I imagine they fear the outcry that would ensue if they dropped it, so they've tried to make it a relatively unattractive option over the years.

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You only need to take a look at the design of yesterday's model for further confirmation of this.
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Few £k to me.

Software, file system, file formats.

I specced up the equiv i7 PC to the mac Pro and its £500 between the two.

That £500 compared to the £1000 of software i'd need to get from mac to windows is well worth it, even tho it really isn't in hardware terms.

Out of curiosity what i7 rig did you spec up that was only £500 between that and the Mac Pro? I'm still have no need to move from my 16GB Ram 3.2ghz Quad platform at present but an i7 build with 12GB of ram isn't looking anywhere near as much as I thought it would be. Certainly a lot less than even the base spec i7 Quad Mac pro. Shame really as the old dual-xeon Mac Pro's were always very competitively priced for the hardware.
can someone please explain teh logic to me of why the mini hasnt been given a BR-drive ? this update has taken years . i was holding off on mini.. glad i bought my antec micro fusion case now.. just need the rest :)
It's not a product they are overly concerned with. If they were overly concerned with the demand they wouldn't have waited so long and gave it such an unimportant boost and placed it under a bigger price tag.

They've consistently denied it much time in favour of the iMac. They kept the crappy on board graphics for as long as possible and didn't even add Wireless N when the rest of the Macs were given it.

It exists in the lineup due to people wanting it, not because Apple love it. I imagine they fear the outcry that would ensue if they dropped it, so they've tried to make it a relatively unattractive option over the years.

edit -

You only need to take a look at the design of yesterday's model for further confirmation of this.
I'm not sure what you think Apple is, but they are a public company accountable to their share holders. They will make products to sell, not what "they love". What the heck is this "love" talk, anyway? They're a computer company churning out products and will do so as long as there is a demand. They are no different to anyone else.

As long as people are buying it, they are concerned with it. They are not trying to put people off it. Where is your common sense?
So manufacturers don't have a favoritism towards certain products? This is what the 'love' talk is about, I assumed you would be able to grasp the concept of favoritism behind that but alas, I was wrong.

This is particularly relevant in recent times where Apple have shown more concentration towards the iPhone than any of their desktops, at times when certain products were getting long in the tooth. The iMac and Mac Mini updates yesterday where an excellent example of how some things have been put on the back burner.

Hatter the Mad said:
They are no different to anyone else.

This is where you are going wrong. Apple are very different to most of the companies in their sector. Particularly in how they address products and pricing.

They make unusual decisions. For example, whilst their competitors are pumping out computers with Blu-Ray drives, Apple are sitting back and using a 'bag of hurt' in reference of licensing terms, as the reason they're not in any Mac products. Sure they sell videos in iTunes as stated above, but there is a growing want for them that iTunes won't replace.

Now if you'd be willing to address points I made about the Mac Mini above, rather than questioning my common sense, I would be open to hearing them.

If you're going to continue with the "That's a stupid thing to say" and "Where is your common sense?" nonsense, I will waste my time and energy on something more productive, like arguing whether the PS3 or 360 is better.
Actually Jobs mentioned that BR licensing was a nightmare. We will probably see BR drives in Macs when this new combined licensing system is set up.

It cant really be that big of a deal if every other manufacturer has it. Its to do with it conflicting with their other business areas, iTunes. Its a simple case of, we do not think the market needs it/we dont want the market to have it yet, so were not putting it in.

Do any other manufactures have conflicting distribution methods? No, they have BR drives in their computers.

Does anyone know what kind of liscence apple needs to sell a computer with a BR drive in it? Ignoring software that is.
Out of curiosity what i7 rig did you spec up that was only £500 between that and the Mac Pro? I'm still have no need to move from my 16GB Ram 3.2ghz Quad platform at present but an i7 build with 12GB of ram isn't looking anywhere near as much as I thought it would be. Certainly a lot less than even the base spec i7 Quad Mac pro. Shame really as the old dual-xeon Mac Pro's were always very competitively priced for the hardware.

£2.2k version with Applecare and HE discount.

I went abit overboard with the case and PSU for the PC rig but hey ho, the Mac Pro case IS worth quite abit i'd imagine!
I think it's a bit of both..

They are pushing iTunes video now, so they have probably held off launching the format whilst they establish it, but they won't deny the format entirely (as it grows) so they'll hold out as long as they can.

This is likely to be when the can build in the necessary DRM issues in to the OS, and sort out the licensing :)
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