All you MX5 fetishists...



18 Oct 2002
My folks are selling their X reg 1.8S :(

Now how much do you reckon they should put it up for, 54k miles, only done around 1500 in the last 2 years though, always serviced etc?

They've already put it in the trader and wonderig if they chose a decent enough price :)

Paid 9k for it just over 2 years ago :(
Firestar_3x said:
6500 - 7500 max, wait till its sunny before selling it.

It's up for the lower end of that scale, although I reckon with the right weather 7k would be achievable, maybe :) But they have it up for less than 7k.

Also want a quick-ish sale, they've never really cared for drawing thigns out for a long time (houses, cars etc), they prefer the solution that offers the least hassle without getting ripped off! Not selling it for months for the sake of a hundred or two is not something they'd do.

The only thing it really has against it is the fact that it's not an iS or special edition. I think I've found it on autotrader and at that price it should go pretty quick, it's a decent enough colour too, not Bronze or Red etc.
sorry forgot to say it's an iS, i.e. the one with the lsd etc :) (although I've posted on another forum as they don't actually know all the extras/differences the S had!)
olv said:
Always wondered what canvassers were? Do they come round and cover cars for sale in canvas?
It means the muppets who phone you up and offer you "a guaranteed sale, we have eleventy billion people waiting to buy this car from you" for the one-off-price of 2k*

* (k = kidneys)
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