Alliance Shamans and Horde Paladins

28 Nov 2004
I'm shocked, well done Blizzard for taking the time to think up new classes :rolleyes:

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The WoW forums are going mad over this at the moment. With a lot of people saying they are going to quit.
there are also lots of complaints about the imbalance of shamans/paladins ie paladins are better than shamans in raids etc, blizzard cant seem to win can they?
sam garland said:
The WoW forums are going mad over this at the moment. With a lot of people saying they are going to quit.

These are precisely the sort of players I hope do quit and leave the game to the rest of us.
This disgusts me tbh.

Rather than sort out the classes properly, Blizzard went for the easy option, messed up the lore in the process.

Ever since they got bought out, Blizzard have just become another greedy corporate company.

I'm not impressed at all.
I have to say its a really stupid move. As said, it totally buggers up the Lore.
The Draeni who are heavily entwined with 'the light' have now turned to shamanistic roots? er?
While I understand that this naffs up the Lore, personally I find this a good, allbeit daring move.

I already have a alt of all the current Aliiance Classes. What's left to entice me to lvl a Draenei alt? The same is most likely the case for Horde players.

I've always wanted to dabble with a Shammy, but not being able to play on the same serve as my Alliance Alts put me off. This gives me the chance.

Brave move by Blizzard.
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FirebarUK said:
The Draeni who are heavily entwined with 'the light' have now turned to shamanistic roots? er?

The Draenei lived on Draenor with the Orcs though, who were shamanic. It is feasible imo.
The Draenei lived on Draenor with the Orcs though, who were shamanic. It is feasible imo.

Apart from the light guiding them from planet to planet and the orcs slaughtering them. I think the fact that blood elves are finding the light despite their thirst for dark magic is even more strange.
tbh its a sign of blizzard going downhill, they managed to balance other games so perfectly (starcraft) yet just took the easy way out on this.

dissapointed (and already quit)
stopped playing WoW a while ago, got out and saved some money :P

its like a lot of online games though, they try to fix what isn't broken, look at steam!
I heard some guy in the guild im currently in tonight saying how he was going to quit over this...

... idiot.
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sharingan_sasuk said:
The Undead have come across the Light before....

Hey, I know! Let's give them Light power as well! Undead Paladins f t w :p

I want goddam Deathknights goddammit!!!! :mad:

I DONT want evil things that use paladin spells, however the shamans i can more or less understand. They need NEW classes, not to bung in the current classes to different races, that's silly.

Also, to those people saying who cares about the lore? Its a ROLE PLAYING game. Which means story/background etc. Which means it should be involving, interesting, and above all CONSISTANT. Stupid Blizzard. I've just started playing EQ2, if it holds me the way it is now, im defo swapping to that from WoW.
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