Alliance Shamans and Horde Paladins

Neon said:
everyone comes back to wow.

Haha, it's true.

My brother said he was giving up for good. He sent me all his gold, deleted his characters and uninstalled WoW.


One day later he reinstalled it and started a new character xD
I played though the closed and open betas and for quite a while once WoW had gone gold. But, just like many many MMORPGS before it (UO,DAoC,SWG[what a joke that was]) it become a boring grind where you were chasing a small, small % drop of item X and then had to roll for it, invariably losing it to someone who wouldn't know one end of warcraft from a s***y stick. I think it was on my 100th or so attempt to get the hunter epic armour gloves from warmaster voone that i just gave up...never having even seem them was that and the endless waiting to get people to form a raid grp to MC only to discover 5 mins into the raid that 5 or 6 people had to go for dinner or walk the dog or pick their nose etc etc.
Does look to be a very odd decision. Looks like a quick fix. Is there now a reason to choose Horde over Alliance except for crappy racials? Nope.

Feel sorry for Shamen's tbh (even though i hate them as alliance) the class is going to be redundant in a few months time. All Blizzard have done is cause more problems in the long run.

I just hate the way Blizzard run things, the servers 16 months on are still a mess, they dont know how to balance characters. They just arnt being innovative in the MMO market all they are doing is trying to mend things that arnt broken. WoW was a stolen from all the other MMO's before it and I just get the feeling Blizzard are getting out of their depth when trying to come up with new ideas. I cant say im looking forward to the expansion at all. :(

I even heard that leveling to 70 wont be possible unless you are in a BWL guild. If this is true then it looks like a vast majority of the players will leave the game.
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This won't make me quit WoW and I'll probably roll one of the new classes at some point anyway to see what the fuss is about. At least Blizzard are not making game-breaking changes. They probably want to balance the game out a bit without making wholesale changes to the classes involved, which would cause even more whining.

Even with all the people complaining I doubt half will quit the game due to investing so much time in it.
They could have at least come up with a new name!

I rather like the name Deathknights at stated above. That's a much better then a paladin for the horde.
badgermonkey said:
I want goddam Deathknights goddammit!!!! :mad:
Also, to those people saying who cares about the lore? Its a ROLE PLAYING game. Which means story/background etc. Which means it should be involving, interesting, and above all CONSISTANT. Stupid Blizzard. I've just started playing EQ2, if it holds me the way it is now, im defo swapping to that from WoW.

I think you'd be hard pressed to find many people who give a stuff about the lore.

Most are just formulae crunching grinders looking for the highest DPS possible.

How many people do you think actually read any of the quests they take on?
IMHO, this move by Blizz is a lazy one.

Why bother to balance the sides when you can just have the same classes for each side?
In future i think that the Horde will be renamed to team blue and the alliance will be called team red. ATM there isnt much to differenciate between the races as it is. Blizzard seem to be pushing for a normalisation of all the classes, races and sides. IMHO this is one mistake too far and Blizzard will loose a lot of the top-end guilds and annoy the rest of us.

If they want to balance it, then give shamen raid totems. ATM 4 pallies can buff a raid completely and better than what 8 shammies could ever hope to do. Either they buff shammies or the nerf pallies to hell.
Seems like a totally backwards decision to me, I just don't see how Horde could ever realistically have pally's. By all means improve Shamans buffing, but I like playing Paladin because they're specifically Alliance, crusaders of light and all that jazz. I'd be annoyed if I saw Orc and Troll paladins running about. :mad:

Wouldn't think about quitting WoW for a second though. :p
MiGSY said:
Just give horde tauren rogues, that should balance it out nicely :D

*clomp* *clomp* *clomp* *clomp* *clomp*


*clomp* *clomp* *clomp* *clomp* *clomp*

Tauren Rogues, masters of stealth :p
It's kinda wierd move, but I'll be rolling a Dranei Shaman for sure.

I'd roll a Blood Elf Pala too if I didn't already have a Pala as my main :p BE Female Paladins looks so good in Judgement.
Kodiak said:
*clomp* *clomp* *clomp* *clomp* *clomp*


*clomp* *clomp* *clomp* *clomp* *clomp*

Tauren Rogues, masters of stealth :p


Warstomp to add yet another aspect to stunlocking? No thanks! :D
afraser2k said:
This won't make me quit WoW and I'll probably roll one of the new classes at some point anyway to see what the fuss is about. At least Blizzard are not making game-breaking changes. They probably want to balance the game out a bit without making wholesale changes to the classes involved, which would cause even more whining.

Even with all the people complaining I doubt half will quit the game due to investing so much time in it.

They arent "new" classes though :p

krooton said:
I think you'd be hard pressed to find many people who give a stuff about the lore.

I play a ROLEPLAYING game to roleplay, not to grind.
badgermonkey said:
They arent "new" classes though :p

I play a ROLEPLAYING game to roleplay, not to grind.

I know, me too (ex paper and pencil AD&D player), but the majority of WoW players dont
Too many people care about "LOOK! PALA + SHAMMY = BIG CRITS!"

Who gives one about the size of your crits?
Well if you try to role play on any other server than a RP one you would get ripped to shreds. Im quitting this game for the next couple of months, if the game pulls me back it pulls me back, but tbh ive started to see it for what it really is. Throw your life at it grinding DKP, if your in a high end guild that means raiding almost every night, in a crap guild raid MC get DKP and hope your guild doesnt disband throwing away months of hard work. Plus the community is, well...

No thanks.
Tute said:
Too many people care about "LOOK! PALA + SHAMMY = BIG CRITS!"

Who gives one about the size of your crits?

Errr, what?
Is your reading comprehension a tad offish/not read the thread at all/smoke dodgey things ?
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