Am an idiot

still think you should spray 'intel waz ere' on the machines and then just break them all. Blame it on intel luddites, it works FACT.

Ciao, don't feel bad. When I worked at Intel in Hillsboro, Oregon I was loading the Gasonics Asher with a full boat of twenty five 200mm wafers.

If you're at all familiar with the machine, it's a hand loader with a pitchfork style boat tilter.

Well, I was loading a full boat hot-lot and misjudged the angle. Smashed seven wafers, contaminating the whole first-run lot of Tualitin P-4's.

Manager wasn't a happy camper to say the least. Especially since I was still in my probationary period.
Mickey_D said:
Ciao, don't feel bad. When I worked at Intel in Hillsboro, Oregon I was loading the Gasonics Asher with a full boat of twenty five 200mm wafers.

If you're at all familiar with the machine, it's a hand loader with a pitchfork style boat tilter.

Well, I was loading a full boat hot-lot and misjudged the angle. Smashed seven wafers, contaminating the whole first-run lot of Tualitin P-4's.

Manager wasn't a happy camper to say the least. Especially since I was still in my probationary period.


omg send me the broken wafer and I'll fix it up good!
Do what I did a bout a year back :

Picture the scene everybodies on the bar doing various things all they hear is a huge smash they all walk into the back to see 3 or 4 crates of beer all on the floor smashed mess everywhere and me just stood in the middle of it saying " was it me though did you see me do it" with a big grin on my face.

Luckley my manager at the time couldnt fire me though or else I think he would have sent me packing right there and then.
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