Am I a crap driver? (Riding the clutch)

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15 Sep 2005
Hey guys,

Now, when I learned to drive I used to approach corners, drop to second, come up off the clutch and take the corner. Now since I have passed my test (good year or so now) I have stopped coming off my clutch. I drop to second and keep my foot on the clutch all the way round the corner using my brake if I am going too fast. When I am safely round I come off my clutch and accelerate off.

My mate has just told me this is a completely bad way of driving!

Is it?
Quantic said:
Hey guys,

Now, when I learned to drive I used to approach corners, drop to second, come up off the clutch and take the corner. Now since I have passed my test (good year or so now) I have stopped coming off my clutch. I drop to second and keep my foot on the clutch all the way round the corner using my brake if I am going too fast. When I am safely round I come off my clutch and accelerate off.

My mate has just told me this is a completely bad way of driving!

Is it?

Should you ever come unstuck mid-corner, you are going to suffer badly...

...which is likely, the way you are cornering!


Read that ;)
This happened to me, I was fine before my test and after it, up until a few months ago I did that a lot. I have no idea why. But not anymore.
Muppet! :rolleyes:

I wonder how a, you passed your test, b, you hav'nt spun off the road and crashed yet.

Get some more tuition before you kill yourself or some other poor soul.
I do it because it feels a lot smoother when turning. I can turn a lot quicker and I think its the lazy part of me showing it's head. Plus I can take the corner a little bit faster than if it was screaming in 2nd.
very iffy way of cornering mate, i did it once or twice on my driving lessons. It was enough for me not to do it again, scary stuff.
R124/LA420 said:
Muppet! :rolleyes:

I wonder how a, you passed your test, b, you hav'nt spun off the road and crashed yet.

Get some more tuition before you kill yourself or some other poor soul.

I stay in complete control of the car throughout the corner.

And if you can't make a comment without resorting to personal insults - please don't post!
Quantic said:
I do it because it feels a lot smoother when turning. I can turn a lot quicker and I think its the lazy part of me showing it's head. Plus I can take the corner a little bit faster than if it was screaming in 2nd.

What, and that's worth the loss of overall control? Uh huh. Don't drive like that near me thanks. If cornering in second bothers you that much then do it in third.


And yes, you aren't in control if the engine is disconnected from the wheels. There's a reason that it's frowned upon.
Quantic said:
I do it because it feels a lot smoother when turning. I can turn a lot quicker and I think its the lazy part of me showing it's head. Plus I can take the corner a little bit faster than if it was screaming in 2nd.

Its the inexperienced driver in you thats showing mate, putting it mildly!

Your effectively reducing the control you have of your car, shafting your clutch and being a general menace to other road users.

You hav'nt the first clue about driving it would appear.
You don't necessarily have to drop to a lower gear. Use your experience to identify the correct gear/speed for the corner. I never believed in saying "this corner is this sharp so use this gear". If the engine is screaming then use a higher gear

Don't coast around a corner though (ie have the clutch depressed) or brake on a corner. If you don't have ABS and brake on a corner you will go straight out and stop turning. If you coast around a corner you have surrended most of your control of the car, and as stated above, if you come unstuck you will be in trouble. Don't lift off around a corner (assuming front wheel drive) as the back end will snap out (lift-off oversteer)
Quantic said:
I do it because it feels a lot smoother when turning. I can turn a lot quicker and I think its the lazy part of me showing it's head. Plus I can take the corner a little bit faster than if it was screaming in 2nd.

It's all about technique, with some practice and the right method you'll change your mind.

Think about it for a second; if it were truley a better, faster and safer way to go round a corner - why aren't you taught that way? ;)
Quantic said:
I stay in complete control of the car throughout the corner.

And if you can't make a comment without resorting to personal insults - please don't post!

The problem is, you ARENT in complete control of your car. If a situation arose where you needed to adjust your travel mid-corner, you are going to be in trouble.

Another thing I noticed is that you seem to say 2nd gear for a corner?! You can go round corners in gears other than 2nd if they are more appropriate!
It's almost like letting go of the controls, the car is just rolling round the corner, you lose braking power and fine control. Plus the fact that it is putting extra wear and tear on your clutch and the associated components.
R124/LA420 said:
Its the inexperienced driver in you thats showing mate, putting it mildly!

Your effectively reducing the control you have of your car, shafting your clutch and being a general menace to other road users.

You hav'nt the first clue about driving it would appear.

How am I being a 'menace' to other road users? I have NEVER crashed my car. NEVER lost control. NEVER nearly hit somebody.
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