Am I being out of order? Housemate issue

Ok it depends. Are the couple there as a couple all the time or does one partner live at a separate address?

Are the bills in everyones name or just one person?

If the bill is in everyones name then yes, 25% each, otherwise no, not enforceable only a cordiale agreement stands. Personally, I would not pay the extra as that person is in effect getting away without paying.

Last year, my housemates boyfriend talked his mother into reducing his rent because he was round here so often, using my food/telephone/electric. So I spoke to his mum and he paid the balance to me, which although didn't equate to 25% of the utility bills, he was a brilliant bloke and drinking partner till they split up :(
If they share showers and have no dirty business, also they poo ontop of each other before flushing and only get 1/3 of the fridge, not 1/4*2 - 1/3

Otherwise 1/4 is only fair
you should have sorted this arrangement out before you moved in tbh :rolleyes:
Although they are paying what, £480 a year more than you anyway for the privilege of living together so maybe it's not that bad.

Should have agreed at the start that bills would be 4 ways though.
Had the same situation as you, had 6 people in the house we paid 200 pcm they paid 150pcm rent, but we split all bills 6 ways, tis only fair!
Just talk to them and explain to them why it logically makes sense, as long as they have an IQ larger than that of their shoe-size and you say "i know where you're coming from but ....." they will fully understand, and if they still refuse, then plain and simple they're just being cheap ****s

if they refuse to have a proper conversation with you about it, then may I suggest the use of duct tape, wooden chairs, and a hammer (optional) ;)
I would assume that if they want to act as one person, that any meals will be split 3 ways and they can divide their 3 between them. They can only watch tv if they do it together, and live in the same clothes so any washing would be the same as if it was one person.
No, I thought not... The only fair way to split bills is to do it 4 ways. If they won't do that, then you're probably going to need a quiet word with your other flatmate to find out if he actually agrees or just wants to keep the peace.
Arcade Fire said:
Utilities bills should obviously be split four ways, since in principle each person uses one fourth of the utilities. Unless they're showering together, cook all their meals as a couple and only watch TV together then it seems to be a no-brainer to me.

They are going to use more electric - double the washing machine, double the tumble dryer and so on. However they are likely to share a lot of the electric as well.

Rent should be split 3 ways (unless they have a much bigger room than everyone else) and utility bills 4 ways.
I would think that was a fair split of bills etc.

However there are 2 problems. Firstly there was the agreement when you all moved intogether regarding splitting things 3 ways. Secondly you all need eachother to afford the house in the first place.

Is fighting this going to be worth it? Are you going to end up getting kicked out or forcing someone to leave?
You're totally right. I live with 3 peeps. Me, mate, and a couple (mate and his GF). Rent is divided 3 ways, as they share a room. But all bills etc go 4 ways. Because regardless of them sharing a room obviously they use twice the water, twice the leccy and so on.
Personally, I would start looking for another place and stall until you find another place. When you find one, tell them and say that unless the utilities are split four ways and the rent three ways that you will move out and screw them over.
Piggy and I also agree, bills should be split by 4. It seems pretty obvious to most :/
All bills should be split 4 ways. I've shared a house with friends and me and the GF shared a room, would be just been rude and wrong otherwise.
Kill them both and sell their organs to subsidise you and the other housemate's lavish coke'n'hookers fuelled lifestyle......
Sounds like they're just taking the **** tbh. Tell them you're not happy about it etc, and if they kick-off, threaten to find somewhere else.
When they are in bed nail planks of wood to their door and start playing Will Young cd's at full volume.
I believe this will solve the problem in a matter of days :)

I think the fact that you've been asking for a printout of the account details since October and have only just got it sounds like they are trying to pull a fast one to start with.

And take note of this for any future situations you may end up in - a written agreement beforehand is worth its weight in the precious metal of your choice compared to "But I thought ..." afterwards.
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