Am I overspending at University?

gurdas said:
Half way through second term and I have spent about £1200

edit: thats not including rent/tuition

Therefore you are spending four times more than me. On what exactly? I feel my budget is big enough.
I hate to think, but i'd imagine its getting on towards £3.5k this term, but I have bought a laptop and xbox 360, so thats 2k nearly.

Otherwise I reckon I average about 150quid a week. My trouble is going out, went out last night and I suspect i'll have spent over a hundred quid.

My spending is excessive, but doesn't bother me, as I'm paying for this year without any help from my parents, as I earned the money last summer, so its my choice.

As for those that don't spend their loans and just stick it in an isa. I don't see the point, in 4 years its going to be only a couple of hundred quid in interest. I've made more than that playing poker online, and dabbling on the markets, and its not been that high risk at all.

At the end of the day, I don't mind getting into a bit of debt at uni, as I'm backing myself to make something of my life, and I'll be able to pay it off in the future.
saving money uo for what??

id rather live now than save for a "new house"... thats stupid... the cost of living is hideous as it is... so in 5years time what will it be like..

no way am i saving all my money, ages ago on the news they worked out this pension scheme.. and to have a decent retirement you need to plow money into a pension from when you hit 21...

at the end of the day i can do a million more things with my money now than i can when im 70 or whatever...maybe ignorance, but i just think its a waste of money to save
Can't put an exact figure on it.

£12 a week on a bus pass
£55 a week rent, though g/f pays £20, so works out at £35 a week
£10 a week on bills I think.
Spend about £50 every two weeks at Asda (g/f goes half on that), then about another £10 - £20 a week on other food stuff. Making a packed lunch is a good way to save a bit of cash.

Having my g/f living with me has helped out also. I think I can live easily on about £50 a week. I only go out once a week or so and spend about £20.

What helped was going on a placement in the 3rd year, this paid off my overdraft and I saved just over £2000.

My parents help me out with money each month which is fantastic, which is a good job considering this years loan is only £2750, but I've got to pay tuition fees and rent with this!
God knows about this year, I haven't been keeping a tab on things at all. Last year though, I must have spent about £3500 through the whole year excluding accomodation and fees.

I set myself a rough budget of around £70-75 per week for all expenses other than fees and living costs. Obviously it fluctuates from time to time, but I'd like to think it balances out on the whole. £1200 in 3 weeks is impressive. Or unimpressive should I say :p You'd better start looking for your nearest Lidl ;)
lemonkettaz said:
i just want to go to uni to get a new amp :)

and a degree.... ;)

ill live on tuna for 3year as long as i get a good valve amp.. maybe an upgrade in 2year too

I bought my Orange with the money my mum gave me to take to uni :p I have a band though which will hopefully start making money again soon so alls good!
Nitefly said:
Therefore you are spending four times more than me. On what exactly? I feel my budget is big enough.

I live/go to uni in Central London so its automatically more expensive than anywhere else in the country. My money really goes on travel (taxi's, national rail, tube), food (eat in a lot of expensive places), clothes (always getting something now and again. Exceptional costs have come to about £300.

On average you are really looking at between £80-100 a week for a good time in London and i'm out everyday so it all adds up and I don't mind, now is the time to have fun.

I do have the benefits of not drinking and paying for club nights though:D
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