It's very unlikely that you would be root by default in most Linux distributions as being root all the time can make your system less secure.
If you want to do something in Ubuntu with root privelages you can do it in a terminal with 'sudo' or most other distributions you can switch to the root user with 'su'.
Rather than being root you might try adding your user to a group (other than root) that can write to a specific directory. To find out what groups your user belongs to type:
in a terminal. To find out what permissions and associated groups a directory has, try something like:
within the directory you want to find info about (or probably right click on a directory icon if you are using Gnome).
To add your user to a particular group you could try something like (as root):
gpasswd -a username groupname
To add my user 'chris' to the 'usb' group. In Ubuntu you would probably do it like this (as a normal user):
sudo gpasswd -a chris usb
To change a folders permissions, you could do something like this:
sudo chown chris:users SomeDirectory
so that the user 'chris' amd all users in the 'users' group have access to 'SomeDirectory'.
Of course that doesn't automicatically equal read/write permission. To change read/write & execute permissions of a file or directory you can use the 'chmod' command,
(possibly prefixed with sudo) should give you a start.