AM5 Upgrade - System Instability

looks like normal behavior with the led's, can you take out your gpu as others have sugested and run on the igpu, could be a weird bug when setting up expo for the first time, my msi x670e was similar until i took out my gpu, eneded up buying a asus board instead

Removed RX 6800 and ran just the iGPU

Will get as far as windows and login in, then windows crashes
Tried this 3 times. Same issue each time.

CPU issue maybe?

In regards to RaM

Default it’s set to
TCL 40
TRP 40
TRAs 77
DRAM Voltage 1.100v auto
DRAM VDdQ voltage 1.100
DRAM VPp 1.800v

En expo 1 profile would give me

36 36 36 76 1.250v

Still wouldn’t boot
Will get as far as windows and login in, then windows crashes
Tried this 3 times. Same issue each time.

did you get a bsod? was the error the same one each time or something diffrent?

with regard to expo the settings and voltages are all with in spec, i suspect that the ram running at 4800mhz is the problem, am5 was desgined to work well around 5600-6000mhz, you've tried 2 motherboards and still have no joy, off to work now but will check back later.
I did indeed, One BSOD, and 2 freezes had to restart machine manually.

The BSOD related to

Hypervisor Error, now I don't have anything Virtual related on or installed.
in program installed Hyper-V is not ticked, neither is WSL.
So I am unsure why it would complain of a HyperV error.

Cheers for the replies buddy.
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