Well... every year of every film school around the planet will see thousands of "next big thing" directors released upon the world and at least half of them will start family/crowd/sponsor/grant funding movie projects with writers, actors, DP's they met at school. Sometimes these movies will recoup money when the writers or actors playing in them will make it big, others will eventually get sold for distribution, in bulk, get bundled with "buy DVD player and 1000 movies" for £29.95 or run at 3am on channel 397 in some large hotel chain or listed on some obscure streaming platform blowing through investors money. Or earn £5 a year from adverts on youtube.
I've a friend who's one of those "barely made it to some classes at film school" unfulfilled movie directors, working part time editing trailers and showreels for evangelist churches and living off his mums donations and every decade he gets this sudden awakening and rushes off to make a low budget movie. And I'm talking really low budget - like a "I'm the next Lars von Tier" single £400 DSLR and a Go-Pro, phone headphone set audio recorded horror with run time under 1 hour - that kind of stuff. He then crowd funds sound design and adobe after effects visuals by some student on fiver and then embarks to promote it. And he's really good at the last part. He'll send those "movies" to every film festival on the face of the planet, and you wouldn't believe how many of them there are every year and inevitably he'll start getting awards, sometimes because it is the only movie submitted in Foreign Horror Short Film category, sometimes because some state sponsored C-movie festival somewhere deep in the suburbs Eastern Europe or Asia is actually ecstatic to receive submission from filmmakers in the west and sometimes because some stoned, lofty juror somewhere in South America literally believes the film is so bad and it has to be intentional statement about our media obsessed society. In any case, after 2 or 3 years of submissions and getting awards and being invited to ceremonies around the world with flight and hotel paid, he produces a poster full of laurel overlays "Winner of this", "Special Award from there" for his de-facto award winning, avantgarde horror short, sends it to distro houses and after months of spamming someone somewhere will actually pay money to list it somewhere. And all the best to him. True story.