
7 Aug 2004
My -god- never let untrained sorts near PC's.

Just took the side off a poncuter thats 'acting strangely' and full of spyware, an 80mm fan (3 pin) was conneted to a 3 pin adaptor straight into the mainboard.......ok this is fine, but obviously just plug the fan straight into the board, but because of the adaptor it was also plugged in direct to the PSU; AS WELL AS the 4 pin port powah port on a SATA hard drive, that also had a SATA powah cable plugged into the other side of the harddisk :eek:

Tis the biggest crosswire, fire inducing mess I've ever seen inside a pc, ever since taking the interesting wire config to bits and doing it properly oddly enough its working fine, no sudden drop outs, and crashes. The poor PSU and mainboard were probably working overtime trying to correct powah spikes

So shocking I had to share :D
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